Monday, June 30, 2008

"Dollar-ize" English?

”Dollar-ize” English?

“Why? Our ministers were answering in the English language as questioned by foreign reporters. Their specialties are financing, economics, banking not fluent English. And they were questioned so rudely as though to interrogate someone at fault during the press conference on the 3rd agreement with the IMF.” So said si Upik indignantly when she saw this on TV.

“What if we reverse and question them rudely in fluent Indonesian while they’re so polite to answer, though in broken Indonesian? How would that feel?”

“Well, shouldn’t we be proud of to speak Indonesian? Let them learn the Bahasa or have a translator do this for them. Why be ashamed, feel inferior if one doesn’t speak English very well or doesn’t want to speak in English? Would we ‘dollar-ize’ English as the dollar?”

“No. We are dollar-izing, … eh, English-ing Indonesia, ha, ha, ha.” si Buyung jested.

“I imagine that Francoise Mitterrand, Helmut Kohl, Hashimoto, Yeltsin, Li Peng, certainly are capable of English but perhaps prefer to speak in their own mother tongue. During a U.N. Conference, delegates of different countries could have their speeches in their own language. It isn’t degrading the speaker or his country. I think that there are a lot of good, valuable works on science, art, business, trade, travel originating in many foreign countries.” said si Buyung.

“So, have the best, most valuable works translated from foreign languages into Indonesian for our own good, advantage, interests as soon as possible. The whole world would then be eager to learn Indonesian. What an honor. Ha, ha, ha.” si Upik clapped her hands.

“It’s a shame when we become so foreign-minded that we are as though foreigners in our own country.”

From Bisnis Indonesia May 2, 1998

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Terri Schiavo

Terri Schiavo

Unyielding, her life was so invaluable, Terri Schiavo was kept alive for fifteen years while she had but little/no chance to live. In the Iraq war, not only one, but hundreds, thousands of healthy, happy people, very eager to live, were killed, maimed or wounded on purpose as though worthless among the warring, quarreling nations.

April 2005

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Cricket's Philosophy 7

A Cricket’s Philosophy 7

Choose A Grain Of Corn Or A Mercy?

What would you choose, a grain of corn or a Mercedes were there nothing else in the world?


Humor is just tickling someone in his insides.

My Photo?

Why? Do you want to see my photo? Do you want to see a scarecrow?

Becoming Wiser

Becoming wiser is just to unlearn all the nonsense, foolishness, stupidity that is praised as wisdom to trick you into believing it.

On Followers

He who follows a “Christ” doesn’t follow his own heart’s dictates, conscience. He is only good, virtuous, upright, loves his neighbors on order, as is prescribed. (Remember, this is cricket’s philosophy. Just take it with a grain of salt)

A Chapter In The Bible

I have similar thoughts. Why should Moses, Job, David, Paul, … be privileged to represent God’s word? Why couldn’t I also have a chapter in the Bible? Ha, ha.


A fish, home in the water.
A professor, home in his subject.
Adam, home where Eve is.
A mother, home where her children are.
My dog, home where I am.
I myself, home in my home page.

What Is Beautiful, What Is Ugly?

A pigeon baby chick is awfully ugly, yet the parent birds regard her as the most beautiful.
A cock is fairer than a chicken hen, yet he doesn’t choose a cock but the “uglier” hen.
There is the lovely lotus flower, yet the dirty mud had nurtured her. And in the moon light, an “ugly” frog on one of its leaves was watching over her, heightening her exquisite, delicate beauty.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

As Though I Were A God

As Though I Were A God

Not even live, but watching the match on TV after knowing that Croat was beaten by Turkey in the European Cup 2008 was stirring, as though I were a God knowing beforehand of what was fated, what was in store for them. To pity, to have compassion for the players and thousands Croatians who cheered and rejoiced, with their first goal not knowing that they were to cry. While seeing Turkey and their supporters under tremendous pressure and anxiety, not knowing that they were to rejoice. Isn’t it fortunate that the Gods do not reveal to us, who would be weeping and who would be laughing hereafter? What do you think? So said Pak Arif to me.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

On Being Earthly-bound

On Being Earthly-bound

Isn’t it a joy, a happiness, a heavenly gift, to be earthly-bound?

Be attached to my dog, my cat, my fighting cock,
Be attached to my choir, an old servant, a food stall vendor,
Be bound to my bed, my home, the environment, my country, my people,
Forgetting myself in a hobby, my “art”, my “philosophy”,
A mother, child-bound,
I, myself a man, bound to you MM, a woman and vice-versa
And to hunger, to thirst
After enjoyment, warmth, love and freedom
And all wishes, longings of being human
And all the dear things that bind, draw us to the earth.

Should I choose the happiness of being freed of desires, wishes, suffering,
As is the sage, the wise or those in Nirvana?

I don’t repent the suffering that accompanies it.
Buda forgive me my foolishness.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Imagine The Adventures ...

Imagine The Adventures …

As I think, imagine about all the naughty adventures, desires, “sins”, which I enacted, thought, committed secretly in my mind, no detective, no one whoever could catch me, no one could ever forbid me, even I myself.

Could you enjoy food which isn’t tasty, scent rose-fragrance, while smelling something very nasty, enjoy music when it is out of tune, believe what you don’t believe? So, how could I not love someone whom I love; not hate, whom I hate? Who could ever forbid, prevent me from being so.

“Sure” said pak Arif. “How could I not love Bach’s Passions, Chopin’s ballads, Gershwin’s songs and so many great novels, films, kinds of fruits, kinds of dishes,…, but a married couple should observe one love only. Otherwise they should hide them secretly, safely in their thoughts or commit a sin when they fall into temptation. Oh, God, am I so lucky, grateful for loving not only just one but so many women. Ha. ha. ha”.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hello Little Girl # 112 Marathon

Hello Little Girl # 112 Marathon

Opa Johan was addressing her in “Reader’s Letters” via Bisnis Indonesia.

I was far behind you little girl. Suppose you were escorted, perhaps you wouldn’t have to drop out on the 36 km distance and could have reached the finish. Reaching it, that’s the Grand Prize. You would be proud and happy though you wouldn’t get the first Prize. Is there a grander Prize than self confidence, self respect?

Running the Marathon is something like going through “hell”, or subdue a very high mountain.

Just imagine, in this Marathon I was escorted by four cars. Riding in the cars were a doctor, a business president director, an engineer, university graduates, a nurse, a house wife, Chico and Foxy, our dogs. Genuine supporters who cheered me, attending to my water supply as the water supply of the committee was insufficient for a marathoner who needs more than four hours to finish the “deadly” journey - even aqua drinking water was used to cool my head and body. They also aided me to cross the cross roads, stopped the traffic many times as though I were the president.

At the heaviest battle about 40 km, an ambulance was following me, coming to aid, to rescue me in case of an emergency or should I give up as I was already running, slanting to the left as a kite that was skew, sloping to one side. Politely they invited me to step in, hiding their anxiety. At last, instead, my wife was picked up into the ambulance as she was left far behind.

And as a hero was I escorted by four cars and an ambulance to the finish in 4 hours, 23 minutes and 25,71 seconds, climbing a fence, running through, office rooms to the Madia Stadion Senayan, as the main entrance gate was already closed and most spectators, participants and the committee had left. But I didn’t mind.

To you who dropped out, never give up, be discouraged. When a man of the age group over 60 can make it, as me, you, who are younger and stronger, certainly can do it as sure as never(!) ha, ha, ha, if you care to exercise seriously.

Moreover, I intend to run 70 km on my 70th year as my birthday present.
From Bisnis Indonesia, August 12, 1991

On my 70th year I bicycled about 150 km from Jakarta, Parung, Rumpin, Leuwiliang, Bogor, Parung Jakarta in place of running the 70 Km as my birthday present. My son, Boy joined me and my other son Dickey, my daughter, my grandchild and my wife escorted me in their car. In a rubber plantation on the hills we had our picnic. It took me almost 12 hours to finish the journey up and downhill, at times along a muddy, bad road or traffic jam. Boy had a serious fall driving too fast downhill along a bend but he didn’t give up while I got a punctured tire. My escorts were “kapok” as they have had enough. Never, ever again(!), though only for less than halfway and comfortably riding in a car, ha, ha, ha.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Opa Johan May Look Like A Scarecrow

Opa Johan May Look Like A Scarecrow

Do you remember when Kartini said “Your puffs don’t rise. Mine rises and is as big as a tennis ball but yours is as small and as soft as a turtle egg.” But I insist that your puffs are the most delicious. Melting on your tongue like cream, though it might not be very pleasing to the eye.

Hearing her exquisite voice on CD I fancied her as a slender beautiful little angel. Seeing her in a picture: a corpulent lady.

Did you ever ride in Krisanty’s car? It is old, worn, faded from the outside, but its engine is powerful.

So, I may look like a scarecrow but inside am I “jempolan”, (as he raises up his thump), ha, ha, ha. Aren’t you proud of your husband?

What, which, whom do you choose, like? (Remember, this is Indonesian English)

June 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Opa Johan's Best Medicine

Opa Johan’s Best Medicine

“You certainly can sleep” said my wife. “Don’t force yourself to sleep. You certainly can rid yourself from the sleeping pills.” What an agony after sleeping using sleeping pills. And every time I could not sleep she always comforted, encouraged, convinced me that I can.

So now am I freed of it. Her words, the thoughts were even better medicine than the sleeping pills. That’s just one occasion, instance. There were occasions when I felt wretched. How depressing were words telling, sentence, condemn, doom you that you should remember your age, to stop exercising so “hard”. Those words made me depressed, ailing, unhappy. I don’t mean to ignore medical advice, or not respect it. Their knowledge certainly is invaluable.

Yet, I succeeded to recover my health (K. Cooper) and still bicycle as before some 50 Km. I’ve improved my sight (W. Bates), my voice, my memory, my feet, fingers, by exercising them, at least, they don’t decline so fast. Have you heard of Lance Armstrong who exercised himself and succeeded to floor his cancer and became the Tour de France Champion 6 times - if I’m not mistaken - in succession? Meir Schneider who regained his sight when he was declared legally blind before? Thanks to encouraging words, thoughts, the best therapy, medicine for me.

Remember the song Home On The Range?

…Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the sky is not cloudy all day.

June 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sex Is Nature's Boon

Sex Is Nature’s Boon

“Winarsih, a girl from Wonogiri is just one among perhaps thousands other victims as published in a news paper. Did you read it?” So said pak Arif to me.

A pet dog could be treated preventing its pregnancy but why is there no information to young people about how to prevent an undesired pregnancy? Is it meant to preserve their virginity, to prevent them from sin?

For married women a pregnancy would be welcomed, but for an unmarried girl it means catastrophe, hell. Then they are forced, threatened by the people to marry, while they aren’t ready to raise a family.

Abort the pregnancy, with all the dangers of an abortion, face the huge cost of it and be prosecuted? Otherwise she would give birth to a “fatherless”, unlawful child – so, people would mock - and open to shame and blame. Or, when there’s no way out, desperately commit suicide as Winarsih. Could she, or girls have access to information and free clinical assistance how to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, such a tragedy wouldn’t have happened. (Remember, this is Indonesia 1990)

Who can escape the urging force of sex, except very old decrepit people. A holy man too - they say -, even those who are married could slip, fall, moreover those that aren’t yet married.

While sex is Nature’s boon, not something to bemoan, deplore, be ashamed of. “Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for blessed are those who …” honor, respect it.

Ilona Staller, the lovely lady, an ex people’s representative of Italy has as motto: “Destroy weapons of nuclear energy. Instead, increase sexual energy.”

The Chinese philosophy has “Yin”, the female principle and “Yang”,the male principle. When “Yin” and “Yang” meet, go together, there’s heaven, harmony.

So pak Arif told me his thoughts.

From Media Indonesia, March 28, 1990

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Could Never Know Before

Could Never Know Before

No one could ever explain, tell me until I experienced it myself. Suddenly, unexpected did I know, realize what it was: fear, hate, envy, disappointment, shame, pain, sorrow, anger, vengeance. They came like wind, unhindered. I couldn’t flee, escape from it and when it was over, there was no trace left.

Would you mind if others also could be overpowered with such feelings, emotions? Except he is no human being but a God.

Courage, joy, affection, love, happiness enter in a similar way. Could you prevent a budding smile, a burst of laughter?

January 1974

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

On Punishment

On Punishment

One day during our training session, a choir member kindly brought us Jagung bakwan (corn cake) as snack for our break. My wife whispered to me: “Don’t take.”

At home she told me It was as tough as leather. What our aged members endured eating this. Aal went outside to “finish” hers, Nono had it as a dog with a big lump of meat, stopping his mouth, biting it with his false teeth. Jeanie said: “Thank you, it’s very nice” while slowly nibbling it. Our benefactor, ate herself and as she doesn’t enjoy it, swallowed as fast as she could. There was no one who wasn’t free from this torture. And imagine, she said that she had saved a part for tomorrow and planned to gladden some thirty of her choir members of over 60 years old with this.

In the car, my wife said to our son who was driving us home,
“There’s a lot that’s left over, take it home for your family”.
“Why did you say so in the car?” I asked.
“Yes sure, what should I do with it myself?”

And we laughed imagining him, his wife, his daughter, their curses and faces and down to the nurse of their toddler, then further down to empok, the cook and she after tasting it making faces, promptly throws it in the garbage bin as she had no one more below her, to vent her anger, disappointment. How wise! Oh, what fun!

Suppose you want to punish someone here in Indonesia, you can do this in a similar way. Just bless them, surprise them with for instance a cartload of some 50 Durians, one of the favorite fruits here. They would eat as much as they can and for a long time as is possible, as they haven’t the heart to throw it away or hurt the benefactor as being ungrateful when they pass it on to others. They can’t say “no”, nor reject. Then they worry about choosing someone lucky to equally bless them with a lot of overripe, half spoiled Durians left.

They will say: “It’s very nice, thank you a lot, very kind of you” for a punishment.

So you should have the courage to say “no” to refuse, to reject and the punishment for bad baked “Bakwan”, of too many “Durians” will be returned to the “benefactor” himself.

June 2008

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Father's E Mail To His Sons 1

A Father’s E Mail To His Sons 1

You certainly wouldn’t throw stones to our neighbor’s houses, even wouldn’t throw stones into the air as it might endanger someone or smash into a window pane, or to a dog, shoot birds. Ordered, you wouldn’t obey it. Would you?
But in the war of Iraq, one doesn’t throw stones, however big it is, but missiles, not to houses but to cities. On TV it’s seen as thousands of fireworks flying towards you.

Not a stone, but a bomb of perhaps more the 500 Kg. Not one stone but thousands, not stones but bombs and missiles, not once, one day, but for days, weeks. And this was done without feeling sorry, feeling wrong, as it was commanded, a duty. Those that let the atomic bomb fall will remember the event for life.

Suddenly human beings were shot, killed for no reason, no crime, no misdeed and it’s lawful, legitimate. A murderer would be tried, but this was mass murder. How cruel. What an injustice. War is a leglised crime. A dog, a cat, a bird wouldn’t be shot, instead it would be protected. Who thinks of throwing stones to our neighbor’s houses, to museums, destroy beautiful gardens, woods. But they were destroyed, though invaluable. War degrades our sense of humanity and turns him into a robot: “March, halt, shoot, charge,..!” losing all his discretions, responsibilities.

And those that were attacked, also were infected and became insane and repaid it with suicide attacks.

Those that initiate war are spreading “hate”, which is worse, more dangerous than the contagious deadly, mass killing bacteria. This is what I’m afraid of, that I, you, we would be infected with “hate”, becoming insensible, insane, losing our self.