Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 5

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 5

I don’t ask forgiveness, pardon for all what I’ve done you. But if you want to punish me, get even, go ahead. You can repay me, punish me severe, which I would remember all my life with … a kiss (or kisses).

October 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 4

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 4

Do you know what “blo-on” means? That’s fool you, with your eyes open. But I haven’t fooled you (yet).

Don’t you think I’m a very captivating friend?

September 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 3

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 3

Salomo had pluses, he was king, rich, handsome, young, wise and kept about 800 very beautiful wives. But if ever he be banished, became poor, weak, sick, old, perhaps they would gladly leave him. That’s the minus of pluses.

Subandrio, former minister of President Soekarno had minuses of a death penalty, he was blamed, avoided by many people and aged. His hair was turning grey, his eyes, his sight, his looks, his strength, … were declining Yet there is a woman who took him among all men, he, who was still in prison, blamed, avoided by many people, elected him to be her husband. She got him pardoned from the death sentence, then got him pardoned from imprisonment for life and after still waiting for many years got him completely free, though it was but on his 80th year.

She’s the loveliest woman and Subandrio the happiest man to have such a wife. That’s the plus of many minuses.

Suppose someone has a very costly painting but when its price drops down, perhaps he would throw it away as garbage. The same fate might befall flowers, plants, animals, gold, precious stones with pluses of being very rare, very expensive. When diamonds were so abundant as stones, pebbles to pick them up, no one would like, have them.

But if someone takes home a very dirty, stinking, sick, crying puppy from a garbage heap – no one ever would have it – then that’s a lot, since he/she took it despite the minuses of the puppy, it’s so loved and became a member of the family.

That’s the plus behind a minus. It was done despite a minus.

So, there’s a plus of being a scare-crow, you little donkey.

The Scare-crow

September 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 2

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 2


The Creator is Almighty. Ergo sum: His creations, man is sublime, perfect.

Don’t you believe?

It isn’t our brains only but also our body is immensely vast, as a sea in potentialities. And that of which we are capable of and use is almost nothing to what it can do, perform, achieve.

Just imagine! Every language of perhaps more than ten thousand languages in the world could be learned by any one, but what we master are but some three, four, … ten languages. Every science of so many sciences could be learned, every music instrument, every sport, every art, every …, but what we’re capable of are just a few of them.

So, then don’t forget that you’re lovely, splendid, excellent, perfect. And that’s not a compliment. But I don’t believe you would ever have the courage to say so without blushing, you little fool.

September 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 1

The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 1

You were a lovely little girl then. But did you know that now after some fifty years, you are even lovelier? And that’s not to mock you.

Young or old isn’t measured by years. I’m feeling younger than my children, even my granddaughter. Ik hope to see you after ten more years, being ten years younger. That’s if you ever could believe me.

The Scare-crow

September 2009

Man Is A Headache

Man Is A Headache

Man wants God to observe his wishes, desires, prayers, to watch, over him, to take care of him, his food, safety, health, home, …to hear his praises for fulfilling his prayers, to hear his lamentations, blame for not fulfilling his prayers. Imagine, not just of one man but of the entire world.

I think, it’s man that’s so arrogant that wants God to perform, to behave according to his insights. The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the seasons, … obey Him. The Creator doesn’t need any effort to regulate them.

September 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He Wasn't A Shame, A Misfortune

He Wasn’t A Shame, A Misfortune

“Thank God, all my children succeeded to get their university degree.” Something like that said a mother. They were her pride, her crown. And I thought, what if one of them was a failure. And what about those who never could afford, pride themselves on a university degree? Is He so partial, prejudiced?

And I remember a family with a son who was backward, he couldn’t attend school, but the whole family even so, more loved him, supported, defended, protected him. He wasn’t a shame, a misfortune. His father who is Doctor leaves him free when he visited his doctor’s consulting room during his practice. His mother once saved him by reviving him by mouth to mouth respiration, his sisters and even his grandmother loved him, they always took him along with them. That’s what I call great, what I respect.

September 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Opa Johan To His Granddaughter

Opa Johan To His Granddaughter

When you were a little child we feigned to be enemies but now you’re a little girl we’re real enemies. Ha, ha.

September 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Kiss Of Farewell

A Kiss Of Farewell

Gretl was so listless as she vomited, discharged blood on her way to the doctor. The second time si Upik visited, her doctor said:

“There’s almost no hope she would recover.”

Then she wept silently, watching the doctor giving, providing the last, best possible treatment. On her way home she stopped to see the last moments of Gretl, her convulsive movements of nearing death. She drove the car while one hand was gently stroking her body, held her convulsive paws, trying to soothe her. Gretl still breathed back home. Si Upik didn’t cry anymore. She pressed a silent kiss so long to Gretl’s face as though to say farewell, as though she wished to retrieve her back to life. Twice did she succeed to save her.

And I thought of Princess Diana who was so loved by the whole world. But there’s no one so close, so loved as Gretl - just a former unwanted doggy - by si Upik.

September 2009