The Scare-crow And The Little Girl 3
Salomo had pluses, he was king, rich, handsome, young, wise and kept about 800 very beautiful wives. But if ever he be banished, became poor, weak, sick, old, perhaps they would gladly leave him. That’s the minus of pluses.
Subandrio, former minister of President Soekarno had minuses of a death penalty, he was blamed, avoided by many people and aged. His hair was turning grey, his eyes, his sight, his looks, his strength, … were declining Yet there is a woman who took him among all men, he, who was still in prison, blamed, avoided by many people, elected him to be her husband. She got him pardoned from the death sentence, then got him pardoned from imprisonment for life and after still waiting for many years got him completely free, though it was but on his 80th year.
She’s the loveliest woman and Subandrio the happiest man to have such a wife. That’s the plus of many minuses.
Suppose someone has a very costly painting but when its price drops down, perhaps he would throw it away as garbage. The same fate might befall flowers, plants, animals, gold, precious stones with pluses of being very rare, very expensive. When diamonds were so abundant as stones, pebbles to pick them up, no one would like, have them.
But if someone takes home a very dirty, stinking, sick, crying puppy from a garbage heap – no one ever would have it – then that’s a lot, since he/she took it despite the minuses of the puppy, it’s so loved and became a member of the family.
That’s the plus behind a minus. It was done despite a minus.
So, there’s a plus of being a scare-crow, you little donkey.
The Scare-crow
September 2009