Monday, September 26, 2011

Y o u


How I love you.

Though I’ve never seen you,

Might never meet, speak to you.

You could have lived some thousand years before

Or may be you’re a woman of the far future

But I have heard you somewhere, through a telephone, a song, a thought ...

You are alive in my mind.
June 2009

September 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dry, Save On Land

Dry, Save On Land

I don.t believe that the examinators,  jury we so regard in awe, judging a candidate for a Phd. are really very knowing, the only knowers. To question topics,  the best you know of, the best you are trained in, your expertise, that’s not a fair battle. Suppose, instead, they were examined, even on the same subject as there are many aspects, sides to it. Would they stand the test, ordeal?

“What if they were picked up to prove that they’re smarter than a fifth grader in the TV-show ‘Not smarter than a fifth grader’? Certainly, they’re the best, save, dry on the ‘land’, since  no one asks them questions, no one judging them, not as those ‘sailing’ facing the storms. And I remember a professor who is famed, praised, renowned as the ‘Killer’. Sure, if he lectures the same subject for years then what is there to be proud of?  Ha, ha.” So was si Upik’s remark.

“With internet, anyone can have free access to knowledge” comments Pak Arif.

September 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fascinating Movie Making

Fascinating Movie Making

I am so happy as I now succeed to preserve, save, rescue my old audio CD’s without shooting, re-editing them again and upload them to You Tube. Otherwise I would lose them forever.

I have to overcome a lot of difficulties, tedious work which I willingly, patiently would do, such as knowing how to copy the CD to the computer, then one by one so tediously write the titles, otherwise you have no way which music you want to upload. Then pick up (browse) a suitable picture for the “Windows Live Movie Maker” to edit, then “add music”, that is tricking the Movie Maker into editing my  audio CD - while it is refusing to edit my DVD and VCD - and search for the title of music you want to upload.

That’s easy enough, but now you must see to it that picture playing time, match music playing time.

But you can also take a video instead of a picture and so make a more fascinating video, with music and bird’s sounds for instance.

There’s a lot of fascinating movie making in store for me. This is an early version which I managed to turn out.

September 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Musing On Fire

Musing On Fire

How peaceful, warm is a small fire in a candle, an oil-lamp, fire-side, camp-fire but fearful as a house on fire, in an eruption of a volcano.

The first thing I remember when there’s fire, is to rescue my dogs, save my writings, books, recordings, lest they would be lost forever as they are my treasures,  then my papers and my money.

But to day have I stored my thoughts, pictures, videos in my blogs, and You Tube. My money is in a bank.They are save there, I’m not worried when there’s a fire or lost.

Sure, some people write a book, write in a respected, scientific journal, magazine to preserve their writings but mine in my blogs and You Tube  are certainly not less honorable.

September 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Humane Director

The Humane Director

He so cares, is so considerate, worried, anxious, about the wellbeing, soul of his laborers.

“Don’t give them a big pay, let them work over-time. So they have to work very hard. That would make very descent husbands as they have no time, so don’t go astray, ruin their lives, waste, spoil the money on women, gambling and drinking.” so he argued.

He also asked the factory doctor to give a lecture to his laborers on healthy and very cheap diet in order to stay healthy, as his workers often have to visit the doctor.

The doctor scornfully said, “give them milk, meat, fruits, ... to stay healthy.“ 

“Higher pay. No over-time.” But this he didn’t say.

September 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

An Exceptional Woman

An Exceptional Woman

Though she has but about a half of a body, she wasn’t awkward among the people. She could drive a car and perform the daily activities only with her hands. She has her husband and a child. That was what I saw on TV.

I pictured her husband to be very special as he could still love her, a woman who has but the upper part of a body, perhaps from the hips, buttocks upward. It would be different if she were a miss world. Then men would run after her.

This woman certainly must be very beautiful in another way as just with such a poor physical condition she still could be loved by a man. And I remembered the story of Beauty who loved the Beast.

Only a woman who almost has no hope to giving birth of her own child knows the immense joy, happiness when she really succeeded to give birth to a normal healthy baby. I believe that despite all this, she’s not any the less happy than any normal man or woman. She certainly could write, sing, play the piano, paint, swim, … if she wanted to.

Someone said: “Just of a loss of our teeth, hair, one would be worried, feeling awkward. Walking a little distance, in the sun, in the rain one would complain. Imagine, try it. She walks on her hands, not in a wheel chair.”

Despite her handicap, her extraordinary accomplishments limited in a smaller world - as I muse and think of Helen Keller -, certainly must be as amazing as those that were praised for passing summa cum laude on their PhD degree, or winning Pulitzer, Nobel  prizes,  having their books filmed, translated in many foreign languages, or championing mountain climbing, surfing, parachuting, visiting the  seven wonders of the world, ... 

December 12, 2004

September 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Choir Conductor Unwilling To Step Down

The Choir Conductor Unwilling To Step Down

 I love my choir. I have cared, “watered” them till they grow beautifully today after some 12 years by now. I would never willingly leave my choir to the care of another conductor, even though he might be better than I am. The choir would languish and die. Except if he/she could love this choir of uneducated, untalented old agers of over 70, nearing 80 years, more than I do. Yet, I don’t believe there is any one who ever would.

Is it wrong if I am so unwilling to step down? Could a loving mother ever leave the care of her children to another woman, even were she poor? 

September 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dogs Only, Love, Respect The Old Man

Dogs Only, Love, Respect The Old Man

 I remember him, the old man. When he was a little child, he was so small, weak and behind the others.  But today, am I surprised. He still is healthy in old age. How he managed to do so I don’t know. He is so happy, cheerfully talking to some dogs on the road-side. People regard him less than human, an inferieur being. No one respects, loves him, - I don’t think he has a wife - but these dogs do. They are his friends, his neighbors.

 On Sunday’s, he is waiting to get a tip, an extra earning for looking after the cars - not many cars – that were parked during church service. There are not many people who have a car in the congregation.

 September 2011