Friday, November 30, 2012

Kin In Thoughts And Feelings

Kin In Thoughts And Feelings

I’m so happy, grateful when again and again the same reader, blogger, though only one or a very few,  wrote a “like” on my posts. They are my kin in thoughts and feelings, warm, close to me. Not to mention of those who like and follow my blog but keep silent. Yet can I picture, imagine, think of them with fond affection.

What do I care of being famous for having a lot of one time, accidental readers or “likers”? And what’s so wonderful, special is that no one knows this, except them and me.

December 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Surpass The Most Delicious Food In The World

Surpass The Most Delicious Food In The World

“Do you know the most delicious food in the world, Arif?” asked Upi.

“Yes, certainly, I do. Food that’s served in the restaurant called: ‘Feeling Hungry’. Just some rice, sambal (concocted chili), tahu and tempe (fermented curd beans), fresh vegetables would make a divine dish. Drink water out of an earthen water vessel. perched on a boulder, accompanied by the sound of a rushing river, a cool breeze, eating at leisure, not disturbed by guests, debts, appointments, no tooth-ache and beside me … do you want to know who?

“No, it’s not you, Upi. You usually pinch, never kiss me. Yours’, … what’s yours’? ’Your kiss’” he whispered, “would surpass the most delicious food in the whole world. Ha, ha, ha!”

July 1996

December 2010

November 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

If God Grants You Another Chance

If God Grants You Another Chance

“Suppose God asks you whether you would repeat this life if He grants you another chance. Are you sure that you could improve it and have a happier life?” asked Arif.

“Yes I would, rather than be your girl-friend. You are the most crazy, meddlesome, awful creature, in the world.” said Upi sweetly.

“I wouldn’t. What if you were reborn as si Mamat. What a disappointment, disillusion. How fortunate that you (we all) will never have such a chance. I’m happy to be born as Adam.”

Then Arif whispered: “Aren’t you, happy that you were fated to be born as Eve?”

“Are you nosing about my business?” said Upi laughing.

July 1996

October 2010

November 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Don't You Ever Be Sorry

Don't You Ever Be Sorry

As far as I remember have I never asked, begged for something. My mother chose, provided for my clothes, shoes, school necessities, when I’m married, you did it for me, our sons bought me a wrist-watch, sports-shoes, a mountain-bike, a piano, computer, my father provided some money to buy us a house and our sons rebuilt it for us into a big house. There’s still a lot I haven’t mentioned.

I said: “God, I’ve nothing to ask, don’t worry, trouble Yourself to grant me anything,” then unasked He grants me a father and a mother, three sons and a daughter except which I can’t choose them myself. Yet I would never, ever exchange them with another father and mother, or other children how loving, good, delightful, smart they are. But I may choose you, you know? Who knows, someday I might repent and think of exchanging you. Ha. Ha. What do you say?

I have no car and go by train, bus, walk or bike and buy me an organ. Yet, am I content. I feel myself very rich.

Sure, a man may look like a scare-crow like me, but what if he were rich in thoughts and feelings. What’s a wealthy, handsome man if he were empty, hollow, barren? Think of the mango which is not pleasing to the eye but is so fragrant and so sweet. The eye may err you know? Aren’t you proud of your smart husband and who has the courage to praise himself? Don’t you ever be sorry. Now, kiss me. It’s a command.

So Opa Johan said to his wife.

December 2009

November 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Man Invented The Rules

Man Invented The Rules

Were love, sex free, who would resort to violation, prostitution, adultery?

That’s Nature’s Law, Man invented the rules.

Sleeping lovers

November 2012



Saturday, November 24, 2012

She Can't Forgive Him For Falling In Love

She Can’t Forgive Him For Falling In Love

“Sure, she’s such a lovely creature, were I him, I would also fall in love.” but that she didn’t tell Opa Johan, her husband as she can’t forgive him for falling in love with her. Ha. Ha.

November 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I Just Want You To Kiss Me

I Just Want You To Kiss Me

“Ask, what would you like, love. A mansion? An island? A ring? A grand marriage celebration? My vows of faith before God? My Kingdom? ...  I will grant it you,” said the prince.

“I just want you to kiss me,” said the princess.

How sweet, how wise her choice as she just wanted his love, nothing else.

Something like that I saw in a film. Were I wrong, mistaken, it must be my own creation, imagination. Ha. Ha.

November 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Invitation To A Concert

Invitation To A Concert
Were you coming I would be glad and happy. Were you not coming even more so as I then have averted you from illusion and disappointment. Ha. Ha.

So e mailed the Choir Conductor his girlfriend.

November 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Love Make Us Young Again

Love Make Us Young Again

It’s for you to picture, imagine, experience, enjoy it and be happy. No matter how old you are.

November 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On Curriculum Vitae

People almost always ask after your Curriculum Vitae (CV), you know? You have to write, fill in, show your achievements, degrees, honors, prizes in flying colors, to show off  in order to scare, impress, convince people of your worth, to win their, your favor, respect, honor, rather than to see, prove your real, actual worth, works, performance, self.

I had no splendid CV to cheat, fool you. Ha. Ha. Aren’t you sorry to still have married rather than divorced me, you little fool? So said Opa Johan.
November 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Opa Johan's Birthday Present

Opa Johan’s Birthday Present

Don’t think that this piece I shared with you is because of your birthday. Each piece  I send you is a birthday present, you know?

“No, a piece of a pie” you would say.

Do you then celebrate your birthday grander than the other days? How stupid.

“He is always so serious, but I take him with a grain of salt and he wouldn’t know it, Ha. Ha.”

So you would think of me, I can guess your thoughts, you foolish sister.

That’s Opa Johan’s e mail to his girl-friend on her birthday. 

November 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Don't Look For Another

Don’t Look For Another
I wish you would read only just one post of mine, at a time to like ... me. Don't look for another. Ha. Ha.

November 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Can you picture them, the eagle pair, flying high up among the clouds? 

How wonderful as they dance, sailing and vanish into the clouds and appear again, gliding upwards and downwards or in circles. I couldn’t capture them with my digital camera.

This is a small, long bridge over  a marsh for visitors in Pantai Indah Kapuk, where I shot the eagles. And what so wonderful is, is that I can carry all this home to enjoy it again.

November 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Poem In Plain Language

Poem In Plain Language
And he imagined MM (Maria Magdalene) listening at His feet, following Jesus while He talked so eloquently dedicated especially to her among the listeners.
And there again, is there perhaps one, his MM, really following him? Or was she just a dream, loving his thoughts, his inmost thoughts and feelings. They never saw, met, actually spoke to each other. She, a lovely woman, no matter what: unmarried, married, mother, aged or prostitute, unfaithful wife, ... He, ... a scarecrow.
How happy, grateful he is. What does he care were he granted the Nobel Prize? Even were no one to read or like his thoughts?
Only if she, his MM hears him, ... sure but it is not “him” but “me”.  I don’t care about him. Can you picture it? And it is “me" would thank and kiss her.
November 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Cow's Milk Is For Her Baby Cow

The Cow’s Milk Is For Her Baby Cow

“There is a man again, accused for sexual misbehavior, written with a giant headline in a foremost news paper. Sure, there is no woman, could ever violate, rape a man,” said opa Johan to his wife, “Why did he/she say, write, blame it’s a man, a male, instead of a scoundrel? Who is the person who is so prejudiced towards men and exposed all his sins towards the fair sex?”

“So must I bear unwillingly, involuntarily the atrocities committed by those scoundrels. I am ashamed being a man towards you and all women. If the goodness, generosity of a man is praised am I proud without having done anything good or being generous. What do you think if some one says, ‘there again a woman, a wife is caught in infidelity’? How would you feel as a wife?”

“But this is what I really meant to tell you. There’s a very large writing on a billboard in front of the Department Of Health, you know?

(translated from the Indonesian)
The cow’s milk is for her baby cow.
The mother’s milk is for her baby.

It’s as though saying: Too bad, how cruel, a baby drinking a cow’s milk intended for her baby cow, instead of drinking her own mother’s milk. And I think of myself, how impudent, I myself, a man, every morning drink cow’s coffee-milk. And I thought, picture a father cow, drinking a baby's mother milk.

Every time since reading that billboard, when I drink my coffee-milk I’m feeling bad as I think of the baby cow. Every time I eat rice, meat, fruits, gratefully, I remember, honor the grain, the lamb, the chicken, fruit tree, but I intentionally forget the little fool who is preparing a dish for me. Ha, ha, ha.”

So opa Johan teased his wife as he pinched her nose.

August 2000

November 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lovers Making Love

Lovers making love in a safe, quiet corner.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize

And there’s Lech Walesa. Isn’t he “bound” by the Nobel Prize? Better “bad” but free, rather than "good", honored but “tied”.

Picture of 1990

November 2010

November 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

On Courage

On Courage

The courage

to refuse to war, invade another country and kill people,

to take the holy Bible with a grain of salt,

to refuse a good, close friend’s  request, invitation,

to praise oneself,

to ask Princess Diana to kiss her,

to say, Mr. Chew writes beautiful, wonderful and deserves the Nobel Prize.


November 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dance Of The Eagles

Dance Of The Eagles

 I’m lucky to watch an eagle pair, sailing high up in the air in Pantai Indah Kapuk.

How wonderful as they dance, sailing and vanish into the clouds and appear again, gliding upwards and downwards or in circles. I couldn’t capture them with my digital camera. Words can never capture the beauty of it. 
November 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Kiss My Thoughts

I Kiss My Thoughts

To like to love my co bloggers, without their knowing, seeing me, to similarly like, love me by my co bloggers without my knowing, seeing them. That’s great.

I kiss my thoughts.

November 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

I Would Be Blest

I Would Be Blest

I would be blest, happy, honored, were a woman, a beautiful woman, you, little fool raped me. Ha. Ha. So told Opa Johan his wife.

November 2012