How Wonderful To Be Able To Stand, Walk, ...
What you’ll never know before, since there’s almost no man
would ever tell you, how he feels, but I will tell you of the difficulties I encounter in old age: my
feebleness, dizziness, stumbling in the dark, wobbly walking on my hurting
legs, lose my balance when I step down in a faint light, ...
You don’t, can’t see, feel, imagine this. While I still
have a fairly good sight. I still read without glasses, I was a runner, marathoner
before and still travel some 50 km on my bike, you know? I can still step up or
step down from the right or the left, and I think I can bike with my hands up
in the air but I can’t afford myself to fall now. I don’t believe you can.
And now I wondered, realized, how wonderful it was to be
able to stand, to walk, to run, to jump, to bike, ... and keep your balance.
Did that ever occur to you?
But I wont, refuse to let me down. I still exercise walking
with hurting legs. When I can’t walk anymore, will I bike as biking doesn’t
hurt my legs and exercise to maintain my health.
I am still a smart boaster, so be you aware of me, even
more courages and as young as ever, i.e. capable of loving. Ha.Ha.
That’s what Opa Johan told me.
February 2013