Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Yin And Yang

Yin And Yang

I am a man despite I am Indonesian, Chinese. I might be Russian, American, a husband, a king, an old scarecrow,… yet, they never, ever can block, hinder, confine me of being not a man. 

It’s the Yin and Yang, the male and female principle. I am Yang and you, dear angel, Yin, though you might be as high as an empress or as low as a Cinderella, … Inside you, you always are a woman, Eve, la femme.

When Yin and Yang come, are together, there's peace, beauty, harmony, heaven.

November 2014

This is my book. You can read it.  

Friday, November 21, 2014

What I Can't Buy, Repay

What I Can't Buy, Repay

I can buy, pay anything but never buy, repay someone’s kind-, goodness in money.

November 2014

This is my book. You can read it.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Beauty

How wonderful to see new beauty out of a "mutilated" branch.

It's but today I can edit this blimbing in my i Pad and make me a lovely copy.

November 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Don’t You Envy Me?

Don’t You Envy Me?

And I imagined that I wont be the happier were friends, people to give me a beautiful new fountain pen, a new shirt, books, a dinner, a new car, ... as my present. 
But what is even a million dollars, - didn’t I say that’s a gift for the poor before? – what is a standing ovation, the Cross of Honor, making me a statue? And I thought of my dog who also wouldn't care for such presents.

Instead, I an old scarecrow, got, earn, win an angel’s kiss, the greatest present ever as my present, my reward . Ha. Ha. 

November 2014

This is my book. You can read it.