Saturday, March 23, 2019

As Though I Were A God

Not even live, but watching the match on TV after knowing that Croat was beaten by Turkey in the European Cup 2008 was so stirring, as though I were a God knowing beforehand of what was fated, what was in store for them.

To pity, to have compassion for the players and thousands Croatians who cheered and rejoiced, with their first goal not knowing that they were to cry.

While seeing Turkey and their supporters under tremendous pressure and anxiety, not knowing that they were to rejoice.

Isn’t it fortunate that the Gods do not reveal to us, who would be weeping and who would be laughing hereafter?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Better Know Or Not Know

If you have cancer.
Your death sentence.
The Future.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Good And Evil

Better know, be conscious of good and evil as grown ups are?

Or not know, be unconscious of good and evil as all creatures and little children are?