Friday, July 11, 2008

The Conductor's Thoughts

The Choir Conductor’s Thoughts
Oh, what a lot, what a riches, I, we’ve gained! At least a better, stronger voice.

I’ve not just enjoyed music by hearing it perfect on CD or live in a concert hall, but performed it myself together with my choir and but an electronic organ, not an orchestra, yet enjoyed it even more though imperfect. Analyzing the musical score revealing the harmony, its beauty and enjoy it.

As when I think of us who are now about 60 – 80 years of age, starting to exercise and sing eight years before with almost no formal musical education and singing lessons.

Just think of such beautiful songs of “God So Loved The World” of Stainer, “The Divine Redeemer” of Gounod, or “Wie Der Hirsch Schreit Nach Frischem Wasser” of Mendelsohn. We even took the courage to sing though but some numbers of the “St. John’s Passion” of Bach, “Die Jahreszeiten” of Haydn. “Die Zauberflote” of Mozart. It took us months to master just one of it but we willingly, patiently exercised which gave us hours of joy, excitement and happiness. How we loved the songs, as I remember some 150 pieces, each one beautiful, unforgettable. How I, we, even enjoyed the charming “50 Lecons De Chant” of Concone. Am I ever so grateful to the composers. So he said to me.

Remember, this is Indonesian English.

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