Friday, September 19, 2008

Sadam And Bush

Sadam And Bush

It is in the year 2050 on earth. Sadam and Bush are in heaven.

Bush: Hi Sadam, you truly played your role superb. How you hated me as I called you ‘the axis of evil’ and accused you of hiding weapons of mass destruction, terrorists and the world believed this. How brave you were as you stood alone. No country had the courage to take your side. My army was as thousand to one strong compared to yours, moreover aided by coalition troops. Your son Uday who was hunted and trapped, yet did not surrender though he was besieged, surrounded with. Humvees, helicopters and a lot of military personnel.

Sadam: Sure that was my role. The judges who sentenced me to the gallows acted their roles, why hate them or hate you for your earthly role. But at that time, absorbed in acting our roles we didn’t realize, forgot that we were just acting as was ordained, decided in the play of our supreme Dalang (Puppeteer). We said “our Allah” and you said “our God”, but now we know, they are the same, the supreme Dalang. We have performed, done our roles and the show on earth goes on.

Bush: As I now think in heaven I would like my role could include, to apologize for the damage, wrongs done, for the victims, your fallen heroes and pay in compensation to your country, your people when my accusations turned out wrong, not proved and also for our fallen heroes in a needless war. Then the heavenly spectators of the show on earth would sympathize with me.

September 2008

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