Friday, November 21, 2008

Remember, This Is "Leisurely Reading"

Remember, This Is “Leisurely Reading”

I have no claim, pretensions to be accomplished in world issues, scientific, political matters, to write perfect English, to be accurate, complete, … “Leisurely Reading” is some what of a common, plain man doing his chores in his daily outfit, in shorts, without a shirt, barefoot, or on slippers, sitting on the stairs or on the floor, ground or a low stool among the plants, living leisurely with a sea of time for himself.

I work on my home page unhurriedly. Certainly not excellent as done by a professional publisher as I’m doing it my self as a layman, for I have not the means nor the necessary skill or knowledge.

My writings yet remain the same, published, unpublished, praised or blamed, today or tomorrow.

Valuations fall and rise.

November 2008

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