Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Choir Conductor's Thought On Poems

The Choir Conductor’s Thought On Poems

I just read poems in our foremost Jakarta’s news paper, reread this many times but it was as though I was reading Einstein’s theory of relativity.

“Am I so blind, so stupid of not being able to read, grasp the meaning, beauty of the poems or is it … ? Well, don’t be so nasty, to think so bad of others.” I said to myself.

And I mused, “Should poems be clothed in vague words, as a riddle to be beautiful? A beautiful thought would still remain the same when conveyed written, spoken, sung in plain common language, or just written on a piece of paper or in a book or a respectable newspaper.“

And I thought of the immense lot of beautiful songs of Schubert, Schumann, Mozart, Brahms, Wolf, Bach, Beethoven, Gershwin, Hammerstein, Vaughn …, with poems as their lyrics of Goethe, Schiller, Brentano, Heine, Muller, Whitman, … which I enjoyed, so well-known and loved through out the world. They are certainly not lesser poets than the author of those poems and it was not so very difficult to understand them Why be downhearted? Shouldn’t you be feeling proud of it?

So the choir conductor comforted himself.

November 2008

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