Thursday, January 1, 2009

D e a l

D e a l

“Deal?” Angela asked, she forced.
“What Deal?” said her father.
“OK?” and she held, shook her father’s hand.
“Deal” she said and embraced and kissed her father sweetly. She meant, a promise to grant her, her wish.

Never deal, promise, swear first or you might be sorry afterwards. I remember the cruel, nasty wish of queen Kaikeyi who demanded of the King, the banishment of Rama, crown prince and her son, Bharata, to succeed to the throne or the daughter of Herodias who asked the head of John the Baptist on a tray of King Herod.

But this was about a new jacket in Grand Indonesia of more than one jut. (million) Rp. But she’s such an angel, he couldn’t resist her wish, though he hadn’t made a deal.

December 2008

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