Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Memories Of A Volley Ball Coach 1

Memories Of A Volley Ball Coach 1

These are what I still remember of my girl teams.

About 6.30 in the early morning you could hear some of them passing “bub-bub-bub” exercising in my little yard and warm, sweating and a bit dirty especially after rain, they enter their class room. Every Sunday morning they played at school from about 8 to 12 o’ clock without their sport teacher. The tallest is not yet 1,60 M and the smallest not yet 1,40 M. They hardly can afford to smash. Yet she, the smallest is captain. Imagine her so small and not yet 40 kg as she is doing her upper hand serve.

Once, on a Sunday morning, this little captain asked the sport teacher of the midday school to be allowed to play against his team. They were third classers. I watched them play unnoticed. And every game they lose, but they didn’t give up, didn’t mind as they were but second classers. My little captain pleaded him to play again and again. Their sports’ teacher smiled, perhaps an unhappy smile, he was reluctant and would rather like stop playing as my girls played better and better, till after more than four games playing they succeeded to beat them and so willingly stop playing further. In the real match in the Jakarta Pusat championship among secondary schools they again beat them.

When she was a medical student - she’s still very small this little captain - there was a championship among medical faculties. She had a very bad, weak team as they were not team mates of her club. Yet they reached the final. She forced herself to almost play solo, she played for two, three, … , for to depend on her team mates would be certain defeat. Their opponents complained her for using this strategy but it wasn’t against the rules. And they won. She was so happy as it was almost an impossible, incredible feat to win with such a poor team, though she got cramp after the volley ball match.

My girl team were charming, slender, small feminine angels, little fairies. Once, during the warming up session before a match we only exercised “receive, set up, over, and so on” so simple, while our opponents were at least 1,65 M, tall giant girls with very big thighs and strong arms caused perhaps by weight training. They impress spectators and opponents during the warm up with their smashes. The spectators thought that we would be mashed by them. Yet we beat them, though we almost couldn’t “kill” them, but they “killed” themselves by a lot of blunders, “unforced errors”. Ha, ha.

But we never could win from the adult women club teams who were even much taller and stronger. But I don’t mind. They played reasonably well for players of such short stature, that is of normal or average height. There’s no well known volley ball club would ever take my girls.

March 2009

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