Friday, June 5, 2009

The Choir Conductor's Thought on Kyrie Eleison

The Choir Conductor’s Thought On Kyrie Eleison

It means: Lord Have Mercy On Us.

As I’m growing older my former thoughts, believes (credos) are gradually changing. I don’t, can’t believe in such a pitiless, cruel, wrathful God that would take vengeance on his creatures and punish them in hell. I don’t think he ever should take compassion on us as I firmly believe, am convinced, He has created us perfectly, superbly, instead of being weak and to be pitied.

Many Kyrie Eleison choral music will always sound beautiful whatever the thoughts, sung with other words, lyrics or without words.

It’s a shame that some one should pity me which makes me feel weak, helpless, bad, wretched.

Though knowing that music I most love is for my sake first, then share it with my members, then offer it to the congregation then dedicate it to Him last, He would laugh and say “you scoundrel”, yet, God wouldn’t be offended or punish me.

June 2009

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