Monday, January 11, 2010

The Gardener

The Gardener

“What a lovely garden. How did you make it?” So I asked the Gardener and he said:

God granted me a little plot of earth. The rain came, the sun shone and the wind carried seeds. Then the soil became a seedbed, tiny plants were germinating. I dug a well to water them and they changed into ferns, chevelures, plants with beautiful flowers and some even into big trees. I haven’t expensive, special roses, only wild roses, wild flowers and wild plants. Sometimes I take back home seeds of plants which I like to have in my garden. Sure, you could plant any plant you like if your plot of earth has sufficient room to support them, you diligently water and care for it.

I made a little pond, connected it with a ditch. Water plants, – I planted a wild water-lily, a lotus, a willow -, fish, freshwater shrimps, crabs, frogs, a little turtle, dragon-, damselflies settled there. Butterflies, bees, crickets, cicada’s, lizards, squirrels and in the evening, bats, fireflies visited, while birds were nesting in my garden. I have built my self a little cottage, - my nest - and am so grateful, my little plot of land changed into a paradise.

Back home, I thought, though this gardener has but a little plot of earth, even not very fertile, he so loved his little plot, that’s why it became so beautiful, so loved. Suppose someone who was granted a larger plot of fertile earth but wasn’t grateful for it, left it to neglect, it would become a dreary desert.

January 2010

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