Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Need No Study How A Man Would Feel

I Need No Study How A Man Would Feel

“How beautiful are your ferns,” I said to pak Arif who was watering his little garden with a hose.

“Oh, I didn’t do anything or plant, except to water them.”

And he even watered the weeds neglected on barren earth beside the road, outside his fence.

“Why do you water them?”

“That’s a blessing, a happiness, a rain in times of drought and they could grow as beautiful as my ferns as well. I don’t need to study psychology to know how a man would feel, even of an animal or a plant. It is the same for a man, who so thirsting as a weed, is living neglected, got ‘watered’. He would be so happy, so grateful.”

May 2010

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