Monday, August 23, 2010

What A Joy Is Learning 4

What A Joy Is Learning 4

When one day I stop exercising, conducting my choir I will turn to learn harmony again. Lest I should forget them, these are my notes when I can turn to in the future.

“Never take too many preoccupations at the same time if you ever want to accomplish, enjoy anything” so I remind myself. I will have my own system. Gladly, heartily would I forget all the rules, laws on harmony, of voices going parallel, intervals, chord progressions.

This is for me to remember, but you can skip, forget all this:

I just build my basic major chords consisting the notes (c, e, g,), minor chords (c, es, g) and two indifferent chords, the diminished (c, es, fis, a) and the augmented chord (c, e, gis).

New beautiful chords could be created out of a combination of those chords: C with Em, or with Am, or Gm.

There’re beautiful progressions: Cm – Esm or C – As, slowly step by step downward progressions: Cm - Bm - Besm.

Imagine, there are 12 different keys in a scale and on each key again a scale could be constructed.

This is an example: (You Tube: chewginhoa, Study In Harmony)
Am: la si do Dm: – la si la Fism: –fi sil la Bm: – fi sil fi Esm: –ri fa fi Asm: – ri fa ri Cm: - do re ri fm: – do re do [sol Am].

It takes a long time, so tediously to write it down and I likely would forget what I just played before but at that time the modern organ could record and write the music score for me.

Then will I create my own etudes, studies of harmonious chord progressions, then improvise and so learn to compose.

August 2010

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