Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Were You Fated To Be An Animal Or A Plant?

What Were You Fated To Be An Amimal Or A Plant?

Liu Xiaobo just won the Nobel Prize for peace and I think of the heroes of Human Rights, of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter and many others.

But there’s still no famous hero of Animal, Plant Rights except unknown, silent fighters, who fight, protect, shelter them. It seems so far away, perhaps we still have to wait a thousand years before this could be established, accepted.

What, were you or we, fated to be an animal or a plant? Could they help to be fated that way instead of a human being?

And I think of the Universal Rights,- except the Laws of Nature, especially for food - the right of all being to have a share of the land, the sea, the rivers, the lakes, the clouds, … the world, the sun, the stars, the heavens, … and be treated as a worthy, honorable citizen of the earth.

October 2010

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