Friday, November 25, 2011

The Volley Ball Coach On The Classification According To Height

The Volley Ball Coach On The Classification According To Height

We even have an Olympic Games for invalids for they certainly have no access to the Olympic Games.

We even have a wheel chair tennis for invalids for they certainly have no access to playing tennis.

We even have sitting volley-ball for invalids for they certainly have no access to playing volley ball.

We even have ... That’s humane.

Invalids only amount to a small percentage as compared to those that are not invalid.

But the world population with normal height which amount almost to a hundred percent have no access to world volley ball, basket ball as they are relatively very, too short, while world volley ball, basket ball are dominated by players who are  so extremely, very tall of over 190 cm which consist of not even one percent of the world population.

Therefore, classification to player’s height is a necessity in Volley ball* and basketball as is the classification according to weight in boxing, weight lifting, ...  to be fair and humane.

 *See Classified Volley Ball 1, 2, 3

November 2011

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