Monday, January 23, 2012

Paradise All Along The Way To The Saguling Dam

Saguling Dam

Paradise All Along The Way To The Saguling Dam

A Paradise is not only in Alaska or on the Alps in Switzerland.

It’s all along the way to the Saguling dam.

See the many views below far away from high above, feel the cool wind, eating your picnic just of Tahu Sumedang (fried soybean cake), see the branches beautifully, gently waving, see the outlines of trees against the sky far away, the mountains, the hills in front of you, beautiful “islands” on a “sea” of paddy fields, ...  as you drive or walk or sit or eat.

Besides, find a Paradise just around the corner as you drink your warm coffee milk, hear the bird’s twitter, see the dew on the grass, hear a child’s laughter, ...

So Pak Arif assured his son as they drove together to the Saguling dam.

January 2012

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