Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are You Alone?

Are You Alone?

“I met a woman at the Saguling Dam you know” said Opa Johan to his wife. “She asked me:

‘Are you a runner?’ seeing me, a scarecrow wearing my sport’s outfit.

‘Sure, I am, but I never did run this far.’ I said.

‘Are you alone?’  She was surprised, she thought I was single, driving a car that far. That’s the greatest honor when a woman respects, regards you as a man, even though you’re an old scarecrow, you know. A sport’s outfit makes one, me look younger. If  you’d come in a Mercy with a nurse,  she would pity, scorn you as a wealthy, feeble, decrepit old man in rich attire. That’s the worst thing for a man  when a woman regards him as not a man, but as a piece of wood, empty air. Ha. Ha.

 ‘No, there’s someone with me.’  I said.

That’s the nice thing. She didn’t  know who it was. She might think that I’m still able to drive a car and take you with me but it was our son, not you, little fool.

“Aren’t you proud of your husband? So now, kiss me, I deserve it.” 

February 2012

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