Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I Am Your Little Star

Revised Version of Poem In Plain Language

I  Am Your  "Schoner Stern"

And I imagined MM (Maria Magdalene) listening at His feet, following Jesus while He talked so eloquently dedicated especially to her among the listeners.
And there again, is there perhaps one, my MM, really following me? Or was she just a dream, loving my thoughts, my inmost thoughts and feelings. We never saw, met, actually spoke to each other. She, a lovely woman, no matter what: unmarried, married, mother, aged or prostitute, unfaithful wife, ... Me, ... a scarecrow.
How happy, grateful am I. What do I care were I granted the Nobel Prize? Even were no one to read or like my thoughts?
Only  if she, my MM, my little star, mein Schoner Stern hears me, would I thank and kiss her.
“Yes, I’m your little star, your 'schoner Stern'” , without revealing yourself.
How wonderful, as I picture her in my mind.
November 2012

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