Monday, April 8, 2013

Why Mourn?

Why Mourn?

Another time when she, this doctor wanted to continue her studies abroad, she met a very tall old man in the church. He seemed to be very haughty when he met her the first time and she, an extra little woman, she might be a girl as many Indonesian women are, equally responded in the same manner. But later on he, this giant melted but she, this little girl, kept her pride and was as cold as ever. 

He offered her to stay with him in his private apartment as she had to stay in a public apartment, but she refused.

When later she conceded he took her, driving his old car. On reaching his apartment in the entrance, on a small table was a little flower waiting with a note: “Welcome Home”.

Can you imagine him driving in the night for more than an hour, waiting for her at the airport at about 3 a.m., an old man of 87 standing with a pole and a sign with her name to find her and drive back home? 

He was so happy, he became young again. He taught her English, where to buy the cheapest and things still of good quality, took her on a cruise, planned to visit New Zealand with her on his birth day, ... and he was not rich at all.

He had skin cancer and it became serious. He got chemotherapy, then he dropped and was taken care of in a hospital. But he was still full of fun and teases her.

When once his milk was brought he refused to drink and said: “The milk is cold.”

She called the nurse to warm it.

But then he said: “You try first.”

“It is fine, OK”  she said after having tasted it.

“So then drink it yourself.”

Another time he told her he needed to pee. She called the nurse and she went out. Remember she’s Indonesian. Suddenly she heard a shout:”Don’t touch. Leave my penis alone.” 

“Did he pee?”

“No.” The nurse said laughing.

She even passed the night in the hospital when he was so sick. When someone visited him asked, “Who is she?”

“She’s my wife.” No she was not his wife but more than his wife. She was his angel. He was so weak then. He raised himself with difficulty to kiss her in gratitude.

During his burial, his brothers, friends, relations said: “Where is she?” They didn’t find her among the crowd. They thought that she certainly was too sad to bear the sight.

Instead, she thought: “Why mourn? I’m relieved, happy, God took him back home and now he’s free from suffering. I don’t care about the deep-heart-felt thanks of his relatives published in the internet.”

Yet, no husband ever could make her happier were she married, while he was so old, so sick.

April 2013

This is my book. You can read it.

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