Sunday, May 12, 2013

To Come Out Rather Than Suppress

To Come Out Rather Than Suppress

I was taught that a good choir has similar voices melt into one. It might be soprano, or alto, or tenor, or bass. But now I think were there one very beautiful strong voice among them, - as we are not auditioned members - I wouldn’t order to lower, drown her/his voice but instead to come out a bit of the others as it gives the choir her/his special color, warmth, charm and is a saviour in reaching high notes. It is too precious, rather than to suppress the voice, - in this case, her voice - to be merged, drowned into the sopranos.

She’s the youngest, such a delight, sings so natural, she had never had singing lessons before.

That’s my philosophy, said the choir conductor.

May 2013

This is my book. You can read it.

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