Thursday, October 17, 2013

Song Of Job Of This Age

Song Of Job Of This Age

Suffering severe stress for months, I succeeded to overcome without taking medicines.

I conquered my asthma  by exercizing regularly.

I controlled my cholesterol, diabetes with eating less sugar, fat,

My hypertension with eating less salt, exercises and exercize singing.

Walking stooped for many years as my legs were hurting, I chanced to cure them with bowing and standing straight up again.

I can still eat all what I want though having lost all my teeth. Why care to make me artificial teeth, except to show off. Yet there are still lovely women who cared to kiss a scarecrow like me.

I’ve freed myself from wearing glasses till over 80.

Do I need a cataract operation on my eye, while I can still very well see with the other that is still perfect?

Were I to become blind, can’t I walk anymore, then can I learn braille, walk with a stick and/or learn, exercize on a wheelchair.  

Ha. Ha.

Why complain, lament?

“Don’t you be conceited, you fool” he warned himself.
October 2013

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