Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Thought On Making Me An e Book

I started to write my thoughts and feelings in a pocket notebook. Then I typed on a type-machine and published them in “My Letters” in news papers, then I collected them and tried to publish this, but I didn’t succeed to get a publisher.

I’m grateful to WordPress, Blogger, where I can publish them, NB for free. I planned to make me a blog book, and I thought it’s even better to make me an e book as is now possible.

But no more today, as I see that my home page in my i Pad, look so beautiful, even better then on my computer or in a book. I realized that I don’t need a book case, anyone can read it anytime, anywhere. Thank you WordPress, Blogger, i Pad. Why bother making me a book, an e book.

As long as there is just someone who really loves my post, even were it just one post am I happy, grateful. I don’t care of ever winning a Prize, as long as I can win a Prize in a reader’s heart, that's you, dear little fool. Ha. Ha. 

Besides, it dawned on me, that my thoughts would never become grander were they published in a book or an e book or were read by ..., even by God. Ha. Ha.

February 2012

This is my book. You can read it.

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