Thursday, August 28, 2014

Making Many A Man Jealous

Making Many A Man Jealous

And there he strides with his empty cart with such ease without a shirt which was like a faded floor cloth  hanging on his shoulder making many a man jealous.

August 2014

This is my book. You can read it.  

Friday, August 22, 2014

Raising Our Flag

Raising Our Flag

That is, when we are against, have to face the world, our foe, opponent, when we lose, are defeated. That’s something,  true, brave, ...

Raising our flag on our Proclamation Day, sing our national anthem, hear the president’s speech, march, command, shout bravely before the VIP guests, spectators, that’s nothing, as there’s no foe, no danger, nothing to lose.

That’s Pak Arif’s thought about our Proclamation Day, August 17.

August 2014 

This is my book. You can read it.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

That Really Is Brave

That Really Is Brave   

It takes a lot of courage to be true to your self, you know? So true as not to stand up were you among the audience who give a standing ovation, or were you the only one among the audience who has the courage to stand up and clap your hands. When you stand alone and all, the “world” is, are against you. So pak Arif said to me.

That really is brave, great, true. Brave are those that dare to stand beside you.

August 2014 

This is my book. You can read it.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

They’re Kin To Me

They’re Kin To Me

Sure, these are “cherubs’”, beautiful, heavenly voices, far better than mine. Mine are but amateur, earthly, old aged human voices with all their faults, imperfections, yet I love them, - their voices - even more as they’re so kin to, so like me. I’m happy I’ve saved this as I have no better edition.

So said my choir conductor to me.

August 2014

This is my book. You can read it.  

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Like Giving A Precious Present To Myself

Like Giving  A Precious Present To Myself

Just with that very little, very simple, of what I can do, find, accomplish, achieve - though so far from accepted, general standards – am I grateful, makes me happy. When I’m lucky to write a good thought, lucky to make me my own beautiful chord progressions and melodic lines, lucky to have a good performance of my choir,  make a beautiful recording,  photo, enjoy riding just on my bike to a village, ... when I’m freed from hurting legs and dizziness.

That would like giving me a precious present. I’ve got such a lot now, now in old age as I can better judge beauty,  besides, I’ve got courage, - no fear anymore -, the courage to be myself.  What a joy.

August 2014 

This is my book. You can read it.