Thursday, August 7, 2014

Like Giving A Precious Present To Myself

Like Giving  A Precious Present To Myself

Just with that very little, very simple, of what I can do, find, accomplish, achieve - though so far from accepted, general standards – am I grateful, makes me happy. When I’m lucky to write a good thought, lucky to make me my own beautiful chord progressions and melodic lines, lucky to have a good performance of my choir,  make a beautiful recording,  photo, enjoy riding just on my bike to a village, ... when I’m freed from hurting legs and dizziness.

That would like giving me a precious present. I’ve got such a lot now, now in old age as I can better judge beauty,  besides, I’ve got courage, - no fear anymore -, the courage to be myself.  What a joy.

August 2014 

This is my book. You can read it.  

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