Didn’t you say before:
That even were there just only one who really likes your
posts, even were it only one post, even were he/she would keep silent, not
reveal their identity you would be grateful, happy?
That you didn’t care to win the Grand Prize for Literature
as long as you can win a Prize in a reader’s heart?
That were your writing praised or blamed, it would not
become the greater, nor the lesser?
That you are just a happy little cricket, though unable to
sing a nightingale’s song to delight the world?
That you are great as there’s not a man, a woman, a creature
that is not great?
And now am I content, happy again, though were my writings
just as a cricket’s song. So I comfort myself.
I can only write, sing of you, dear angels and especially
you, dear MM*. Should I rather hide my thoughts and feelings to appear likable and
decent? I never could write to a world
of males, I must confess.
* Maria Magdalene
October 2014
This is my book. You can read it.
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