My Cataract
The anesthetist
said: “You should be able to lay on your back, not move for an hour, would you
have a cataract surgery.”
“I wont be able
as my right leg hurts” I said. My
daughter who is doctor said by exercising I would succeed.
I got pain killing
medicine and I started to exercise. That was hell, besides, I not always can
manage to lay on my back and not move for an hour.
I was so stressed,
I wrote an e mail to the anesthetist, not knowing his name: saying that I can
succeed to lay, not move for an hour but I can’t say that I surely could do it
during the surgery.
So have my right
leg anesthetized.
Or should I
undergo a full anesthetizing?
As this doctor was
another anesthetist who read my e mail, answered me that I should come for the
surgery and talk about it.
I imagined I would
come in and the doctor would make me unconscious. What, I might not awaken and
see my wife and son again who looked after me. That was awful, distressing.
But when I came,
this doctor didn’t talk, nothing at all about my anxiety. I almost didn’t have to wait. I was escorted
to the surgery room. The anesthetist shook my hand as welcome, “Don’t be
afraid, take your clothes, and shoes off and wear the cloths for surgery. Climb
on to the surgery bed, feel how nice and comfortable it is.”
He doesn’t make me
“sleep”. Then I don’t know what they did, they covered my left and my right
eye. I didn’t know when the surgery started.
Then I said ”why
do you touch my right eye, press my nose? It’s my left eye that has the
They didn’t
answer. Then after some moment, the surgeon said: “just 15 minutes more to
“I need to go to
the toilet, may I pee in my pampers?” (Thanks
to my daughter, who insisted to use pampers) It is cold in the surgery room and
I can’t wait that long.
“Of course.”
I didn’t feel
anything done on my left eye. Then it was over.
Praise to the
doctor and his team. That was heaven after so fearing, facing hell.
February 2015
This is my book. You can read it.
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