Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nature, Human Nature

What is inborn in Man, a being, - call it Nature - can never be suppressed, subdued by rules, customs, laws, …

You can’t force a pigeon to be unfaithful to its mate,

neither can you force a cock to be faithful to one mate.

You can’t, block, imprison Nature, Human Nature.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Count Our Blessings Or Curse Our Fate?

Were he a king  born in King Solomon’s age, he could have had a hundred wives, not only one as he has now. while having so big an appetite. Having a secret love-affair is protested by his community and he could be impeached.

We know that planet Earth is full of beautiful, charming and warm women. Have we to count our blessings or to curse our fate? 

The  Jakarta Post January 8, 1994

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Het Opperwezen

Dat er zo iets vernuftigs uitgevonden is als zien, horen, voelen, proeven, ruiken, verlangen, herrinneren, denken ...

Alsof een vermogen om de wereld te kennen alleen,  dan nog niet genoeg is,

en dat voor het ervaren van hard, zacht, warm, koud, luid, zoet, zout, zuur, bitter, vreugde, droefheid, schoonheid, pijn, genot ...

Dat er zo iets kan zijn als een wereld van vreugde en van droefheid en van jaloezie en van boosheid, ... 

Wat voor een Opperwezen komt op het idee van voortplanten, groeien, bloeien, sterven? 

Dat er zoiets uitgevonden wordt als leven:
de stof waarin het leven komt en het leven dat weer uit de stof verdwijnt.

Dat het leven niet slechts een stoffelijke vorm verkiest, maar in oneindige stoffelijke vormen binnen dringt (mens, dier, vis, insect, plant, microbe, …),

en de stof in zulk een perfectie beheerst zonder ooit te vergissen. Een mangga boom zal nooit appels voortbrengen. 

Dat er zo iets is geschapen is als ruimte en tijd, die niet te vernietigen is en waar we ons allemaal en alles alleen kunnen bevinden en nergens anders.

En materie, ook onvernietigbaar, als men denkt aan de zonnestelsels. Van waar opeens zo ontzagelijk veel stof?

Monday, August 21, 2017

Adam And Eve

And Adam awoke and saw Eve’s ravishing beauty.

And Eve mirrored in his rapturous eyes and saw her beauty.

And Adam has given her his souvenir, a child.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

E v e

It then occurred to me that Eve certainly was irresistible, as beautiful as artists painted, sculptured her as she wore no clothes, walked barefoot, adorned with long beautiful hair, as there weren’t a hairdresser.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Musing On Luck

Were it by chance, accidentally, or fate, one is lucky?

“I’m lucky to be born a man, aren’t you lucky born a woman?” said a lover.

“What, were you fated to be a chicken for chicken soup?”

“I’m lucky to be born in this age and blessed with the computer, internet, digital camera.”

“What, were you sent to a war on compulsory military duty?”

“I’m lucky to have parents who provided for my education.”

“By chance or were it accidentally that I heard beautiful music of Bach, Debussy, ... and now love music?”

“By chance I read Dr. Cooper on Aerobics,  Dr. Bates on Better Eyesight and today have I still a fairly good health and still a good sight without glasses.”

“Can you choose to be born beautiful, intelligent? Born a prince, in Russia, in the past, the future, an Indonesian, to be born or not to be born, choose your gender, your parents, ...?”

“I’ve survived many dangerous times: of revolution, of unrest, of illness, I’m lucky to be still alive” said opa Johan ”and all the good, what I achieved in my life started not according to my will but only afterwards it became my will due to luck, or was it accidentally, or by chance to be acquainted with the many things I now very like, love? 

How lucky I am.” 

June 2012