had built a pond and an island, with shallows, as wide as possible in my small
back garden,
very thin, very low wall border was done by very patiently cementing not
smoothly, but by spoonful cementing 100% cement, like building a mini Great
Wall of China, working for days, and so must I build also a wall around my
should be very strong even when you stand on or kick it and it’s still strong
today after more than 20 years out of use.
when there would be a leakage, how to rescue so many fishes, how to find the
leaking spot? Did that occur to you?
made emergency outlets, cemented barriers in case of a big rain or leakage and
so I became a bit of a water engineer, Ha.ha.
a landscape artist, I had Nature be the artist and do the work.
were many kinds of water weeds from the marshes, growing, in or floating on the
water. They thrived and became a water paradise but after a long time, only
some, many didn’t survive as perhaps the strongest water weeds changed the
water quality to suit them, killing the others.
planted the Yangliu (Chinese willow) in the garden, there is the Waringin, a bird nested and bats visited.
had fishes from the marshes, which I took home from my running travels in the
country, most have I succeeded to save from drying ditches during a dry season
or when villagers were catching fish by poisoning a ditch or pond.
kind of fishes were not displayed, sold by aquarium-fish sellers, no one would
buy them. They were regarded as ordinary, worthless: the cupang, sepat, beunteur, tigerfish, julung-julung, cenang-cenang, freshwater-shrimps,
a sawah frog, snails, ...
watchful, on guard. In the beginning, they live peacefully, prosper, multiply
without having me to feed them and I had a lot then.
young generation today haven’t seen them. You almost never would see them again
now and I have no pictures of them.
sawah frog, a superb jumper, grew till it “quacks”, my cenang-cenang
are skilled jumpers, jumping out of the pond in a hard rain.
had a spider weaving her web above the pond, a stray dragonfly laid her eggs,
her pupea looks very frightening and was very ferocious too.
wild white water-lily bloomed.
had a water plant that had their flowers on the floating leaves, the touch me not,
planted near the pond became a mini Flamboyant tree,
with its branches stretched over the water, ...
maanvis (moon fish) parents, an aquarium-fish in natural surroundings, were watchful brooding,
herding, guarding their brood and as they grew, seeing them swimming together
as hundreds of aero planes was an enchanting sight,
as my tiger fish, so innocent before became so big, ferocious, I lost
almost all my cupangs, all my shrimps and was
forced to free it in the kali Ciliwung
including the snails from the Bogor Botanical Garden which I succeeded to
hatch, they became a serious threat razing, grazing my waterplants.
watch them swim, eat, fight, make love, brood, ... see them live. I could enjoy
learning, love almost anything were I to have the time.
only Nature, but also Mathematics, Astronomy, Languages, Geography,
Oceanography, History, Music, Art, ... and most of all, Life’s Philosophy and
learn it by watching, hearing, playing, singing, painting, doing,
investigating, ... it live, not in a hurry, without burdening, torturing your
can never enjoy, eat, learn more than what is within your capacity unless
you want to be sick, stressed. You can’t hurry, speed up your life. Life is too
short, even thousand years, would you learn it all, yet am I content and happy
with the little I achieved, know, am capable of.