Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Mother's Heart

A Mother’s Heart

Dea lost her son, Theo. He was stabbed to death.

Oh, she doesn’t care about the sermon of the preacher, as Theo will never return. Even though she would be given an island, a house like a palace and an income for life. That wouldn’t comfort her, even whether she was granted the whole world.

Suppose God should console giving her, her youth again, beauty, good health and another child in his place, she would say:

“Gladly am I prepared to grow old, bald, toothless and ugly if that could bring me Theo back.”

“What, if I take another son from you instead of him. You decide which one.” said God.

“If You have the heart to force a mother to decide the blackest destiny for her children, You should take me first.”

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