Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Opa Johan's Disturbed Sleep

Opa Johan’s Disturbed Sleep

“There was a soft tapping on the door. Our daughter came in and spread her mattress on the floor to sleep with us as she couldn’t sleep in her room. Then she returned to her room.. Madam took a look, what’s the matter and she stayed a very long while and getting vexed I then on purpose shut the door, so she can’t come in.” So said opa Johan to me.

“Could I realize at that time that it was the owner of the dog that wasn’t responsible who caused the trouble, keeping people awake by having the dog whining as he wants to get out of his cage, I wouldn’t have quarreled so furiously with her. My daughter wouldn’t have hurt feelings towards me.”

Imagine what it has brought them. His daughter couldn’t sleep, she disturbed her parent’s sleep, went to the night watch man on duty to wake up the servant who was in charge to take care of the dog, on her way she got a bite from a stray dog, got a sore inflammation, while he quarreled with his wife, instead of quarreling with the dog owner, lack of sleep of four people and other inconveniences.

So, I mused, many conflicts, quarrels, inconveniences could be prevented. They are caused by something outside us. Were we more responsible, careful in our work, doings, decisions, all that, those conflicts, quarrels wouldn’t have happened. and when it does happen, it could be overcome without being angry, with one another if only we realize, know who, what is at fault. In this case it’s the owner of the dog, leaving the dog to the care of a servant who isn’t responsible.

And we should have the courage to say so, to say “no”. And I think of war. Life would then be brighter, happier.

May 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wonderful, Unbelievable!

Wonderful, Unbelievable!

Just within three weeks an egg is hatched and changed into a living, breathing baby chicken, complete with feet, wings, eyes, ears, a beak, flesh, bones, intestines, lungs, heart, brains which isn’t there before.

A caterpillar just has to change itself into a pupa and sleep to awake as a beautiful butterfly with other properties without learning it. A chameleon changes its color without paint. A firefly carries its living light without batteries for life.

How perfect a snake is running without feet, squirrels chasing about in trees. The spider climbs without effort its spider’s thread, web, a bird sleeps perching on a branch and a bat doesn’t err flying even in the night while sleeping hanging on a rock with its head downwards without being tired or dizzy.

The sea doesn’t rise with the incoming rivers, then transported tons of water high up into the air without effort, without giant basins, trucks, so pure without distilling apparatuses and returns it back as a kind of blessing to the earth as rain or snow.

Wonderful, unbelievable!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Opa Johan' E Mail To His Grand Children 3

Is God male or female?

No one has ever seen God.

The Bible depicts Him as Father.

There was a story of blind men who met an elephant on their way. “God is like a coconut tree” said one who felt one of its feet. “No, He is like a snake”, just feel it.” as he got the trunk. “He is as hard as stone,” as another felt its tusk. “He is like a wall.” said he who touched its huge body. So they disputed about God as they have never seen how an elephant looks like.

The Chinese philosophers said that “God” (Tao) is unimaginable. If one would expound this, libraries of books, wouldn’t have been able to capture, picture It. It would take an eternity of talk and still we haven’t known anything, uncovered It.

A little girl said, “ Do you want to know how God looks like? It’s so easy. Wait, I will picture Him for you.” and took her pencil to draw.

“Sure God is created, pictured after her own image. God, the devil, an angel is pictured after ours. We’ve never seen them except in pictures, paintings and in the bible.” said pak Arif.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Thought On Mishaps

A Thought On Mishaps

Joey our dog wouldn’t be lured, tempted by a little bit of meat to enter his chamber as he was excited seeing another dog. Dismayed, we had to postpone going out and I feared that my daughter who would drive the car would cancel our outing. After about ten minutes, which seemed a very long time, he became calm and she succeeded to have him enter his chamber, quickly shut his door, afraid he was going out, enjoying himself on the street as we intend to go to a small special fried chicken restaurant enjoying ourselves, took the car out, satisfied, breathing freely.

“Nothing left”, a waiter welcomed us as we arrived. What a disappointment, we felt dismayed again. Yet my wife and my daughter insisted,
“Is there still rice?”
Sayur asam?” (Indonesian vegetable pot)
“What is there still left?”
“ Two portions of fried shrimps.

Then another waiter passing us softly said:
“There are still two chicken pieces.”
“No”. said the one on duty.
But on insisting to look again, they indeed found two chicken pieces left. So we happily ordered a simple meal of one portion fried shrimp, two chicken pieces and sayur asam as our dishes. How we enjoyed this simple fare.

As we went home I said “What a splendid outing this evening”. It was full moon seen through the front glass panel of the car, the moon was rising, sailing as fast as we drove, before me and I remembered when more than 45 years ago, we, with three little children sitting crammed,- no, not crammed - but triumphant, cheerful, happy together in an open Pedi cab (becak) on our way to have Italian ice cream, the children also said that the moon and stars were sailing with us.

A similar happening occurred when we were visiting a puppet theatre “The Little Prince” of A. de Saint Exupery. We were in a queue and when it was our turn there were only two tickets left while we need three. Now what? Not take it?

“Take it”, said my lady. “Don’t worry, Ill find a way to get one. Just reserve a seat for me. People are more compassionate towards a woman.”

So I and my son, ­- imagine a man and young man, were rescued by a weak, old woman, that is, a daring, bold angel - went in saying good-bye, and good luck waiting anxious in the dark hall for her. Then she came.

“Did you got a ticket?”
“Yes” she said.
“How did you do it?”

She whispered, “There was, perhaps a French gentlemen of the corps. Diplomatic who asked what is the matter with me to the man in charge of receiving visitors and he told him that I’m waiting for a chance to buy another ticket. ‘Oh’, he said and he turned to me, took out his pocket, said perhaps :’Here, take this ticket. I’ve more than one’ in French what I didn’t understand. I Couldn’t say anything except ‘Merci beaucoup, Monsieur’ the only words I know about French, but instead, I said “Thank you Sir” as I haven’t the nerve to say so, lest he should speak French to me.. He smiled and went away.”

How happy we were to be together again. Receiving such an unexpected kindness of a foreigner is even more than seeing the performance itself.

And I think that little disappointments, misfortunes, mishaps, accidents on the contrary are like ingredients that make life sweeter rather than when it’s running perfectly, smoothly without disturbances, risks. It has something of an adventure.

May 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Thought On War

A Thought On War

It’s sad to have even children join in war as reported in “Time” June 1990 “Child Warriors”. How they’re instructed to use the guns, educated how to kill the enemy and convince them why they should fight, kill. How they suffer, face losing an arm or feet or an eye, even life.

Does it then make any difference when not children but grown ups are involved, are sacrificed?

Suppose it doesn’t happen far away in another country, or not just as shown on TV or in a film, a book or as is reported in a paper, but suppose it is really hitting you hard as losing your father, mother, sister, … your feet, … What a loss, what an ocean of sorrow, of suffering.

What’s a drop of consolation to be called a hero, granted the Cross of Honor. And with regard to a hero, isn’t it him, who is so brave to disobey commands, duties to shoot, cannon, bomb, send missiles like raining fireworks to kill, destroy his neighbors and brothers in war?

“If no one obeys, there won’t be any war. Well, let him fight, invade, raid, commit the atrocities, and justify himself and not instigate, involve so many innocent people in a war to win a dispute with a large army to force, realize his ambitions. Ha, ha, ha.” So said si upik.

From Bisnis Indonesia, June 26, 1990

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Musing On Weddings

Musing On Weddings

How luxurious the invitation card which could cost as much as a novelette. It’s not mere entertaining a friend or someone in a food stall in Pecenongan, but invite, and entertain hundreds of guests in a grand five star hotel of the city. Dishes of crab, prawn, shrimps, fish, chicken, pork, beef, lamb, turkey(!), many kinds of cakes, pudding, fanta, coca cola, beer, wine, grapes, orange, banana, ice cream, and a special wedding cake-ice cream as wide as a table and as high as the plafond(!). Too much even to taste all of them and one could eat as heartily as one likes and think of it, it’s free. It’s no wonder that what’s left over as waste on the plates of the guests, possibly could nourish and make happy more than a hundred hungry, poor people.

How sad the fate of tens of flower arrangements as billboards, paraded in the halls instead of seeing their beauty. Then it’s left behind as it could take some trucks to carry them away and a big hall or garden to store. Only the cards are collected for the purpose to say “thank you”. Not to say about the presents if one receives four wash machines, ten clocks, dozens of plates, spoons, forks, while just one or a dozen is sufficient. (Remember, this is Indonesia 1994)

“Hurrah”, said the flower shop owners and farmers, beauty salons, catering businesses and all those who are involved from hotel managers to car parking service personnel for the guests. “It’s trendy and prestigious” said the young successful executives. “We hope that wedding celebrations on a grand scale will be the norm and observed, our economy will prosper.”

A huge sum for the wedding and all the fuss, the headaches about the event .is waylaying the couple Then it slowly dawned on me the words of a song "Love, ... the golden crown, that makes a man a king", not the glitter of the wedding.

"Si Bhuta is ‘giring’”, (passionate in love running after its mate). So said my boy to me, though she’s crippled and can’t fly. Si Bhuta who was bathing happily together in a wash tub (without being ashamed), when freed from a far away distance could fly so high that it seemed something tiny flickering in the sun and suddenly dived down home steeply, was shot dead by someone. The whole family silently sorrowed, wept.

Suppose man could love as a pigeon pair, they would be king and queen for life. Those, who, that love, would never grow old, would stay young forever. “Never Too Old To Be Young” so says the song. How sad is the story of Princess Diana that started with a wedding as grand as only could happen, imagined in a fairy tale.

I then remembered the venerable sage as told in the Mahabharata who changed himself and his “fairy” into a deer to celebrate their wedding, free from ceremony, guests and far from the bustle of the world; or as Sam Pek and Eng Tay who happily were flying as butterflies together. And as souvenir,- I might add - which would be remembered, cherished as long as life, not a golden ring, but a child, the most precious jewel of lovers, the gift of the Gods. How beautiful that would be.

From Jayakarta, January 27, 1994

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Psalm Of David Of This Age 1

Psalm Of David Of This Age 1
In the direction to the greatest I couldn’t reach its limits, in the direction to the smallest I found a universe. In the direction to the past I found an eternity, no beginning, in the direction to the future I also found an eternity, no end, in the direction towards the middle, (where is the middle?) again an eternity.

I seem to be lost. I don’t know when, which age am I in eternity? Where is East, where is West and North or South? What is front, what behind, what is above and what below in the universe?

Yet am I happy, though only present as a tiny spot in His magnificent unimaginable creation. How happy is even the fern, moss, … though having no voice, no flowers, no defenses, no feet, wings and fixed for life to the same place.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thank You, Warm Greetings

Thank You, Warm Greetings

Leisurely Reading (Bacaan Waktu Santai)

Receiving your comments is like falling rain in a desert. Grateful. I still remember you.

James H. G. Khouw, Sydney
“Bacaan Waktu Santai 2” a compilation of your (philosophical) thoughts expressed in captivating sketches. I am pleasantly surprised at this gift, ... which I will pass to my friends here, especially the Dutch speaking ones.

What strikes me from your writings is that in all simplicity of life in Indonesia, socio-political & economic problems notwithstanding, you were and still are able to see or find beauty in the simplest things you encounter in daily life there. Given the view that life on earth is relatively short. I am becoming increasingly aware of what those people in constant hot pursuit of earthly riches are missing out on!

…I think that your lyrical contemplation, vignettes and sketches from life deserve acknowledgement. At least, public recognition for your talent in writing and contribution. Go on with your artistic creations.

Anthony Budiman - Jakarta
I would like you to know how much such simple, amusing articles could raise one’s spirits. It is small things like your comments on every day life, that makes life quite worthwhile living. Put up with the work you are doing. I don’t know how many people are enjoying your efforts. As usual, mankind is happy to receive but reluctant to give. You gave something to the public and most of them think this Chew G.H. is someone who understands what life is all about.

Anthony Budiman - Jakarta
Thank you for your exquisite book “Bacaan Waktu Santai” which gives me a good view of life and very interesting. (I said “me” which should rightly be “everyone”).

"On Being Rich"
Fleas Thank you for posting this delight, it is lovely and a joy to have read.

"The Secret To Eternal Youth"
Fleas Another wonder and Pure delight to the soul....... Many thanks and best wishes to you.

"Reminiscences of a Marathoner"
GREAT Blog lovely and stretchy, cheers Baachan. Robert Bridge

Your writings are as wonder-filled as ever and beyond. Enjoyed this one “Ranking Humans” very very much indeed.
Wishing you all the best as always Chew, Fleas.

“A Time Traveler’s Visit”
Breath taking and most amazing Chew.Best Wishes, Fleas

Translated from the Bahasa into English

Cak Aris Munandar - Tulung Agung
Your Writing is lovely, charming and in harmony with my soul.

Yohanes Nong Loar - Dili Timur, Timor Timur
I am enticed by “A Dream in Old Age” in Suara Karya. Although it tells about a dream, yet it intensely warms my heart.

Henny - Jakarta
Your exposition is very “biting” and of weight, significance

S. Yuniati - Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah
You wrote about your experience with such ease, so light, no hurry, yet hits the mark and in the “bahasa” nice to read, to discuss and to understand it.

B. Utomo - Cianjur, Jawa Barat
“A Pedicab Rally, Merak – Banyuwangi”, Why not? How creative! When still more ideas and projects like these get a support, they will have a chance to be realized and our people would then prosper and be happy.

Hari Prasetio - Jakarta
Gong Xi Fa Cai. Wish you would reap more writings this coming New Year.

Nazly Purihati - Jakarta
Your letters in Suara Pembaruan are very touching and awakens many questions in me. Really, I love your comments since a long time.

R. Suciati - Solo
Salute to your “Letters to the Editor, People’s voices” in Tempo

Translated from Dutch into English

Muherman Harun, Lisa Harun - Jakarta
We enjoy your pieces and are looking forward to a next collection. Thanks a lot! It is worth printing!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Classified Volley Ball 3

2000 A.D.

In the year 2000 A.D. a Japan researcher went into the library of the JVA (Japan Volley Ball Association) and took an old dark brown type script: “Volley Ball; Players Of Relative Short Stature”

“What is this? Well, it’s Mr. Chew of Indonesia who is the author. What kind of nonsense does he write. Relative short players in Volley Ball are unfairly treated. I’ll prove this nonsense.”

So, he went to the statistical bureau and asked the data of the average height of men and women in Japan. He then measured the height of players of clubs, national players during competitions, championships and compared this with the average statures in the statistics.

“Damned! Mr. Chew’s observations seem correct.”

Then he measured short players with the highest vertical jump and compared this with tall players also with the highest vertical jump. These players jumped even higher than the short players. He shook his head, wiped his eyes in unbelief.

After having done many investigations, he experimented with “weight lifting” on short players. Their vertical jump increased and reached 120 Cm. Experiments with tall players even reached still higher to 130 Cm. Knowing the result of his investigations he cried and jumped in elation.

“Mr. Chew’s information is right, he only doesn’t give a scientific prove. Why is JVA so stupid to keep this document untouched for almost 20 years?”

“His proposal for classification according to stature is a jewel, a pearl just before us. The classification according to age groups, in boxing, … has been successfully realized. We don’t need to seek and find another solution in the sea of difficult, studied, confusing rules and when we found one, it’s perhaps not as good, effective as this simple one.

In Japan people cried “Banzai” celebrating the introduction of the new playing rule.

In his bed, the Japan investigator mused: Why are the Indonesian people so careless as to lose such a fine proposal to improve their Volley Ball World?. Didn’t they examine it?”

“Arigato, Thank you Mr. Chew” he whispered and fell happily asleep … for it’s Nippon who became hero, not Indonesia! Is this what we want?

From Merdeka, June 7, 1991

It’s now 2008 A.D. The year 2000 is past. I started the proposal almost 30 years ago, yet Classified Volley Ball still isn’t realized which is just as sane and sound as age groups, classified sport in boxing, weight lifting, motor, car, bicycle, horse, dog races, … Without classes it is as senseless as to have women compete with men, children, old people with young men. And it’s a shame to have the majority of relative small players in the world without a share to Volley Ball. Besides there is no honor to win against short players. The coaches, experts, the officials certainly are convinced by now that short players have no chance whatever in competing with the tall, but why do they keep silent?

I wrote to the highest Volley Ball Officials in Indonesia, Asia, even to our president, but there was no response. I, wrote to the IVBF (International Volley Ball Federation) but there was no response either. But then I wrote a private letter to Mr. Paul Libaud the IVBF president himself. It wasn’t turned down, and I got an answer. I printed a booklet and send it to libraries, to LIPI, the National Indonesian Library. I have organized my own Volley Ball tournaments with classes on my initiative at my own expense which could be more easily, successfully done by our highest National officials who are responsible for Volley Ball as they have the means, the funds and authority.

Perhaps it does take ages for Man to become a bit saner or is it inertia.

It’s the IVBF, The Asian, Indonesian Volley Ball Association with a “voice”, have the authority, the “minority” who should read, hear this, It’s a pity, that the so vast majority of relative short players in the world and you, who now read this have no “voice”.

Yet, whenever I will fail, another will arise as sure as the rising sun in the east.

May 2008

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fit In Harmony Together

Fit In Harmony Together

A long shadow of a man and a woman in the moonlight is before me. How they fit together in harmony. It is the shadow of myself and a woman, my woman.

A man among men is no man, a woman among women is no woman, but …………….a dreary desert, dark night without stars.

December 1976

Friday, May 2, 2008

Never Too Old To Be Young

Never Too Old To Be Young

The first time I saw “Snow White” of Walt Disney some fifty years ago, I, then still a child, could hardly sleep as I and the seven dwarfs and all the inhabitants in the wood fell in love with her.

When some 30 years later the film was played again, I didn’t want to miss the chance for my children to see this film.

TV also showed the film on its 50th Anniversary with short episodes, highlights of the original film. Yet, seeing but parts of it, I again was enchanted as when I was a child, but with deeper, richer understanding, although a married man, having grey hair and could already have grandchildren. “You’re Never Too Old To Be Young” said one of the songs. For days the song and all other songs lingered in my mind. Grateful as I felt, realized how good life was for those who were always feeling young.

From Bisnis Indonesia, March 21, 1990

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Musing About My "Jammed" Ballpoint

Musing About My “Jammed” Ball Point

My ball point wouldn’t run smoothly. Perhaps the ink is dried up. No wonder as I now rarely use it. Both my type writers have I given away to pen friends in the country. Just by using a very old type of computer, my ball point, those writing machines now are superfluous, more over the slate pencil and slate and the penholder of former times.

I remember the new curriculum for the elementary school. Is it still necessary for children to be able to write, or sufficient to be able to type? With the progress of technology, perhaps one doesn’t need to be able to type, but just be able to talk which immediately could be transformed into typed script.

Logarithm tables are now useless with the introduction of calculators. The vendors, small shop owners now have one to calculate with ease, fast, accurate, without learning a lot about arithmetic. For pupils of the elementary school we could device a computer that could handle algebra, mathematics, geography, biology, physics, … How fine to be freed of the burden of learning by heart. Should a child spend nine years to finish its elementary education? He could then finish it perhaps within a year.

With faxing, letters are send faster than express letters and even telegrams. One doesn’t need to buy envelopes, stamps, waste time, effort to go and post somewhere. The government post services will be superfluous.

These changes happen so fast, yet am I not yet 70 years old. With the progress of technology, would it make man stronger, more intelligent or on the contrary make him weak and dense because laxness to exert his brains and body?

What we now think as great, superb, will be something out of date in the year 10.000 as a man riding on a camel to flying in a super jet.

In my mind’s eye at that age I see the earth so green, so serene, except the warble of birds, gurgling creeks, whispering leaves in the wind. I seldom see a man, or is it an alien of outer space who is sailing in the air.

Oh, how nice to travel in the air. I didn’t see any roads, streets, highways, railroads, airports. There are no cars, trucks, buses, trains, planes, no factories, … They’re extinct, they don’t need them anymore. If there was, it must be a space vehicle.

They live in ray ban capsules as ray ban glasses, light as though a spiders web, easy to set up anywhere, in the air, floating on a lake or river or in the sea among fishes, anemones and coral reefs.

It is so easy for them to regulate the number of population by family planning and so rebuild the earth into a paradise to be happy for man and all creatures. There’s no sense to burden the earth with a huge world population as it is to day.

I then started from my reverie as I imagined our people race, compete to build tall skyscrapers, luxurious real estates, giant factories, enlarging the cities, broadening the streets to cope with the endless increase of the world population or … to take the chance, advantage to become rich. And thus, the land which was so green so fertile, so serene before, is turning barren, the traffic jammed, life and the government burdened, overwhelmed with headaches.

It’s now 1994 and that was but in the year 10.000 A.D.. What about the year 50.000 A.D.?

From Berita Buana, September 9, 1994