Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thank You, Warm Greetings

Thank You, Warm Greetings

Leisurely Reading (Bacaan Waktu Santai)

Receiving your comments is like falling rain in a desert. Grateful. I still remember you.

James H. G. Khouw, Sydney
“Bacaan Waktu Santai 2” a compilation of your (philosophical) thoughts expressed in captivating sketches. I am pleasantly surprised at this gift, ... which I will pass to my friends here, especially the Dutch speaking ones.

What strikes me from your writings is that in all simplicity of life in Indonesia, socio-political & economic problems notwithstanding, you were and still are able to see or find beauty in the simplest things you encounter in daily life there. Given the view that life on earth is relatively short. I am becoming increasingly aware of what those people in constant hot pursuit of earthly riches are missing out on!

…I think that your lyrical contemplation, vignettes and sketches from life deserve acknowledgement. At least, public recognition for your talent in writing and contribution. Go on with your artistic creations.

Anthony Budiman - Jakarta
I would like you to know how much such simple, amusing articles could raise one’s spirits. It is small things like your comments on every day life, that makes life quite worthwhile living. Put up with the work you are doing. I don’t know how many people are enjoying your efforts. As usual, mankind is happy to receive but reluctant to give. You gave something to the public and most of them think this Chew G.H. is someone who understands what life is all about.

Anthony Budiman - Jakarta
Thank you for your exquisite book “Bacaan Waktu Santai” which gives me a good view of life and very interesting. (I said “me” which should rightly be “everyone”).

"On Being Rich"
Fleas Thank you for posting this delight, it is lovely and a joy to have read.

"The Secret To Eternal Youth"
Fleas Another wonder and Pure delight to the soul....... Many thanks and best wishes to you.

"Reminiscences of a Marathoner"
GREAT Blog lovely and stretchy, cheers Baachan. Robert Bridge

Your writings are as wonder-filled as ever and beyond. Enjoyed this one “Ranking Humans” very very much indeed.
Wishing you all the best as always Chew, Fleas.

“A Time Traveler’s Visit”
Breath taking and most amazing Chew.Best Wishes, Fleas

Translated from the Bahasa into English

Cak Aris Munandar - Tulung Agung
Your Writing is lovely, charming and in harmony with my soul.

Yohanes Nong Loar - Dili Timur, Timor Timur
I am enticed by “A Dream in Old Age” in Suara Karya. Although it tells about a dream, yet it intensely warms my heart.

Henny - Jakarta
Your exposition is very “biting” and of weight, significance

S. Yuniati - Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah
You wrote about your experience with such ease, so light, no hurry, yet hits the mark and in the “bahasa” nice to read, to discuss and to understand it.

B. Utomo - Cianjur, Jawa Barat
“A Pedicab Rally, Merak – Banyuwangi”, Why not? How creative! When still more ideas and projects like these get a support, they will have a chance to be realized and our people would then prosper and be happy.

Hari Prasetio - Jakarta
Gong Xi Fa Cai. Wish you would reap more writings this coming New Year.

Nazly Purihati - Jakarta
Your letters in Suara Pembaruan are very touching and awakens many questions in me. Really, I love your comments since a long time.

R. Suciati - Solo
Salute to your “Letters to the Editor, People’s voices” in Tempo

Translated from Dutch into English

Muherman Harun, Lisa Harun - Jakarta
We enjoy your pieces and are looking forward to a next collection. Thanks a lot! It is worth printing!

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