Thursday, May 8, 2008

Psalm Of David Of This Age 1

Psalm Of David Of This Age 1
In the direction to the greatest I couldn’t reach its limits, in the direction to the smallest I found a universe. In the direction to the past I found an eternity, no beginning, in the direction to the future I also found an eternity, no end, in the direction towards the middle, (where is the middle?) again an eternity.

I seem to be lost. I don’t know when, which age am I in eternity? Where is East, where is West and North or South? What is front, what behind, what is above and what below in the universe?

Yet am I happy, though only present as a tiny spot in His magnificent unimaginable creation. How happy is even the fern, moss, … though having no voice, no flowers, no defenses, no feet, wings and fixed for life to the same place.


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