Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Broadcast Yourself"

“Broadcast Yourself”

Those are You Tube’s challenging, inspiring words.

So I take courage to broadcast myself through You Tube, though only armed, equipped with my digital PowerShot A 490  camera and a computer. I don’t care whether my broadcasting isn’t profesionally done. In the meantime will I have learned how to improve, how to fade in, to fade out and a lot more.

My camera even is capable to record sounds and I have now my choir DIASEBAD (DI Atas SEtengah aBAD)  - old agers of over half a century -, members of a small church in Jakarta, without ever having had singing lessons before, without formal musical education, without audition,  recorded and uploaded.

Thanks to the refusals, rejections of publishers to publish my book have I now published it myself, N.B. for free in Wordpress and Blogger. Picasa moreover collected my pictures from my picture’s blog and published them without my doings and Google indirectly published them.

What a joy to fly my lovely little “kite” not very high, for anyone to see and eventually to attack but I wont go down, let me down.

April 2011

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