Friday, April 22, 2011

Is God Male Or Female?

Is God Male Or Female?

Opa Johan’s E Mail To His Grandchildren:

No one has ever seen God.

The Bible depicts Him as Father.

There was a story of blind men who  met an elephant on their way.  “God is like a coconut tree” said one who felt one of its feet. “No,  He is like a snake”,  just feel it.” as he  got the trunk. “He is as hard as stone,”  as another felt its tusk. “He is like a wall.” said he who touched its huge body.  So they disputed about God as they have never seen how an elephant looks like.

The Chinese philosophers said that “God” (Tao)  is unimaginable. If one would expound this, libraries of books, wouldn’t have been able to capture, picture It. It would take an eternity of talk and still we haven’t known anything, uncovered It.

A little girl said, “ Do you want to know how God looks like? It’s so easy. Wait, I will picture Him for you.” and took her pencil to draw. (From Chicken Soup For The Soul)

“Sure God is created, pictured after her own image. God, the devil, an angel is pictured after ours. We’ve never seen them except in pictures, paintings and in the bible.” said pak Arif.

April 2011

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