Wednesday, June 8, 2011

God's Reward

God’s Reward

You can’t buy a beautiful voice” said the Choir Conductor. “except by exercizing regularly. When one day you succeed to develop a beautiful voice, you’ll be so happy, so grateful, no birthday present, even of a new car, a mansion or got a PhD ever, could outdo.That’s God’s reward.”

And I thought of good health, profound knowledge, art (Divine whisperings), ... They are God’s rewards, - more valuable than worldly riches - for exerting one’s efforts.

Sure I can buy me a camera, a computer, learn to open a blog, upload to You Tube, - they’re like a fine dinner-set -, which makes me certainly very happy but never so happy and grateful as when I now succeed to open my new kiosk: “Chew’s Videos”. What’s a fine dinner-set without dishes. Mine are the dishes, delicacies, my videos, my writings, my thoughts - God’s Reward – those are my treasures I never could buy, on it.

June 2011

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