Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What A Joy Is Recording, Movie Making, Broadcast In You Tube

What A Joy Is Recording, Movie Making, Broadcast In You Tube

Poor recording -  as you can’t command for the right moments, circumstances, sceneries -, not having a very special good camera, doesn’t prevent me to turn out relatively good videos with the excellent editing tools of Windows Life Movie Maker and when I succeed to create a video I can always make me pictures, besides.

I would record a sunset for about  five minutes through an opening in the foliage of a tree, then increase the speed many times and I’ll could see the sunset slowly setting, changing color. Or the moon from underneath a tree and see the beautiful silhouette of the leafage waving.

A bird’s very short twitter while aiming at a beautiful scenery could be repeated many times, a very short dragon’s fly very fast flight, could be slowed down then I could reproduce it many times.

Record an excited ant, a spider weaving its net, climbing up and down its thread or have its thread flowing, waving in the air to fasten somewhere. Record a guppy fish and see its colors but not in an aquarium and a lot more.

What a joy is recording, movie making and broadcast yourself in You Tube even whenever you would fail!

June 2011

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