Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Musing On Waving Plumes

Musing On Waving Plumes

On my travels into the country, I fortunately saw far away, plumes beautifully waving. A picture could never capture her graceful dance. But as I neared to record, the wind subsides. You never could command the wind to blow, you know? I had to wait before I could capture them waving again but they were not so lovely waving as before. Yet am I grateful as I took it home, make me a video, though not perfect for You Tube to be preserved for ever.

And as I mused, were it even (on) the moon, the sailing clouds, - play it mute – this is in Rancamaya -, I could have it in my computer at home also. Imagine, that’s what’s so wonderful. There are no barriers of place, space and time. I can view, visit it whenever I want, wherever I am. Were it not recorded they would be lost for ever.

What, were it great events of concerts, shows, olympics, the landing on the moon, ... when they are past, what of the water spider, the firefly, the crickets, the gelatik, the manyar, the owl, the eagle, the squirrel, the tiny snails, the weeds, water weeds, the springs, the forests, the lakes, the hills, ... when they’re extinct, I see no more in Indonesia? What a tremendous loss, at least to still have a recording to preserve, see them in You Tube, the internet when they’re gone.   

And I thought of a painting, a picture, a photo, music, a flower, a tree, ... nature which has no barriers to language that’s what’s so wonderful too as they speak a universal language, without, speaking, learning any language.

April 2012

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