Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are You Alone!?

Are You Alone!?

“I’ll tell you a secret” said Opa Johan.

“On my biking travel today, a young lovely village woman greeted me with surprise, awe, ‘are you alone!?’ And what so wonderful is,” he whispered, “that she still honored me, an old scarecrow, as a man, not as a piece of wood or empty air, you know?”

"I should have said:

‘Sure. Would you accompany me?’ or perhaps better

‘Would you marry me?’

but alas am I always late for a good reply. Now am I ready, prepared, the next time. Ha. Ha.”

“So don’t you be piqued. Be grateful your dear, good husband didn’t hide this from you. I deserve a kiss, not less.”

September 2012

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