Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Loaned In Kisses

Loaned In Kisses

A loan often hides a heavy burden. You’ll remember every morning you wake up. So said someone. How wise.

And I thought of a loan with a credit card, a bank loan, IMF loan. It should be reminded of its due-date.

But were a loan enjoyable, - loaned in kisses, or a fine in kisses - as is a beautiful command or a beautiful lie, you would wake up every morning happily thinking of it. I almost can’t wait and want to be paid earlier or cash. So said Opa Johan.

Obliging someone ”hutang budi” a debt, we say, for a goodness, kindness is also a covered loan, except you can’t repay it as the presents Sint Nicholas brought you because he is someone anonymous. That’s beautiful, wise also.

But there’s more to a kiss.

Receiving, hearing, seeing, reading, something really good, beautiful, stirring, unforgettable, is as receiving a kiss in your soul which only can be repaid, yet, though, not a loan, with a kiss in gratitude. You never can repay it with loads of money.

March 2013


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