Monday, March 11, 2013

Whom Did They Marry?

Revised Edition
And I imagined the children, grandchildren of Adam and Eve living up to more than nine hundred years. Whom did they marry? And it is said that the women were so beautiful, no man ever, not even the sons of God, could resist.
And I picture him, i.e. man, loving her, even as her brother, as her father, her grandfather, or loving her even as his sister, as his mother, his grandmother, ... Can you picture it, grasp it? Marry his irresistibly still beautiful grandma? Ha-ha.
Marriage was a private affair. It was none of your business, you know?
It then occurred to me that they certainly were irresistible, as beautiful as artists painted, sculptured them, for they wear no clothes, walked barefoot, adorned with long beautiful hair as there weren't a hairdresser.
Did that ever occur to you?” said Opa Johan to his wife.
October 2012 

This is my book. You can read it.
March 2013

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