Monday, April 21, 2014

Only After A Thousand Years

Only After A Thousand Years

Then, people would say:

That fool Chew, he never could write a scientific report, book, yet, he is almost the only one who had common sense and warned the world that the human species is the greatest threat, harm, worse than a plague of pests. A thought so true, so simple as that, but no one would ever care to hear him.

But those big shots are fools. They have no thoughts except what’s taught them, and they discussed, have seminars, congresses, Kyoto Protocol, climate change, the greenhouse effect, pollution, saving energy, population growth, earth hour, ozone depletion, ...,  so far fetched, they themselves have no clear idea how to save the world, they don’t really care about this.

But only after a thousand years, so people  would say.

April 2014 

This is my book. You can read it.


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