Sunday, August 25, 2013

She Got Kisses, What’s A Standing Ovation?

She Got Kisses, What’s A Standing Ovation?

“I know I’ve no beautiful voice and just sing simple, easy songs. When I was invited to sing in the Paulus church on Sunday, men and women, not only the old, kissed me. How happy I am.”  So said a woman.

What’s a standing ovation in the Carnegie Hall of Fame and she’s over 80.

And I thought of my little star, I could kiss her, though there’s almost no one would clap for her. She never won a prize in singing, but she won a prize - her voice was so rich, so warm, so natural, ... - in my heart.  This is an early poor recording with my i Pad.

And I would pray God to never let her know how beautiful she sings to keep her innocent, as true as an unspoiled child.

So said the Choir Conductor to me.

August 2013

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