Friday, August 16, 2013

Were I President Of Indonesia

Were I President Of Indonesia

I would have this speech exactly on the day before the proclamation day.

Saudara,  Dear brothers and sisters:

I don’t want to oblige you to come to attend the ceremony of the proclamation day anywhere in this country anymore. There’s no need to shout awful heroic commands as there’s no foe. Hear instead a beautiful voice singing. Raise the national flag that is in your heart. Judge any man from his inside, rather than  his brave, loyal outside appearance.

There will be no ceremony. You even don’t need to listen to, read my speech on TV, in the papers, in the internet. This is not a reign of fear, of force anymore.

Tomorrow is the Proclamation day, August 17, 2013.  Have a happy holiday with your family, your friends.

August 2013




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