Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lovely Sights

Lovely Sights

Seeing the “rambutan Aceh Lebak” tree with plenty of colorful fruits, abundant as bougainville flowers. Seeing lake Pamulang rippling as a beautiful giant carpet. Seeing storks slowly sailing by, high up in the sky. Looking at the full moon from below a tamarind tree, .. Suppose I were an artist, I’d like to paint them.

Happy to be welcomed by hundreds, thousands crème-colored wild flowers along the path-way. How pure, how fair, how fresh as a glorious morning. I name it the “Morning Glory” of Indonesia,

My Morning Glories

Yet, lovelier is the flower I met on the hill in Cinangka. Greeted with a charming smile as in a dream. Not dressed as stewardess, not educated as university student, not as Mona Lisa in a frame, not sitting in a luxurious Mercy, bare footed, without slippers, no make-up and just living in a bamboo hut. That’s, Eve, as jamu (bitter-sweet-hot drinks) vendor.

As a lotus flower in muddy waters, Eve is the most lovely, charming sight.

From Media Indonesia 23 Desember 1992

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