Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Souvenir From Atlanta

Souvenir From Atlanta

Ruined was the dream, gone the hope, after nearly all of our athletes failed in Atlanta. Only badminton-doubles aces, Ricky Subagja and Rexy Mainaiky finished to give us some memories to cherish.

In the heat of the contest they never gave a thought to the gold which they were expected to win, nor the presents they would be getting if they won. All they seemed to be hearing was the sound of music in their hearts, extolling their dedication to their nation and their country.

Personal defeat would have meant little to them, but to suffer defeat while defending someone’s honor – that of their nation, their people, their kin, or their loved ones – would have been unbearably painful.

Something in their hearts seemed to compel them to win, to accept no defeat, although it would have been much easier to give up judging by the close contest during the most exciting match and the strength of their opponents, who also gave their best for the honor of their nation.

In this kind of spirit lies the true gold which Ricky and Rexy brought home to present to us – a kind of gold that far outshines any gold medal presented at the Olympics.

From Suara Karya, The Jakarta Post, August 19, 1996

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