Friday, January 25, 2008

Surpass The Most Delicious Food In The World

Surpass The Most Delicious Food In The World

“Do you know the most delicious food in the world, Arif?” asked Upi.

“Yes, certainly, I do. Food that’s served in the restaurant called: ‘Feeling Hungry’. Just some rice, sambal (concocted chili), tahu and tempe (fermented curd beans), fresh vegetables would make a divine dish. Drink water out of an earthen water vessel. perched on a boulder, accompanied by the sound of a rushing river, a cool breeze, eating at leisure, not disturbed by guests, debts, appointments, no tooth-ache and beside me … do you want to know who?

"No, it’s not you, Upi. You usually pinch, never kiss me. Yours’, … what’s yours’? ’Your kiss’” he whispered, “would surpass the most delicious food in the whole world. Ha, ha, ha!”

July 1996

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